Nepal-cetri-visa-050309.doc UCL CETRI (reconfirmed) : March 05,
William R Leon (PhD)
CEO CAIRN / CAER SIDI Cairn Consortium (EU-NGO) EU/Nepal
Education Counselling Center affiliated with St- Xavier's College
(SXC) and St- Xavier's Social Services Center (SXSSC) in Kathmandu
/ Nepal contact address at: MSN :
william_rene@hotmail.com (YAHOO: william.rene@ymail.com) SKYPE:
william_rene@hotmail.com To: newdelhi@diplobel.be;
diplobel@wlink.com.np; francois.houtart@uclouvain.be;
singleton@demo.ucl.ac.be; singleton@skynet.be; william_rene@hotmail.com;
newdelhi@diplobel.fed.be Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 13:45:40
BRU FLASH : MARCH 05, 2009 re: William R LEON
(UCL) to the kind attention of Mrs. A-Fr. Jamart (BELGIUM EMBASSY DEL)
and Mr & Mrs. Ang Tsering Sherpa (HONORARY CONSULATE KTM NEPAL)
FROM : - William R
Leon (International Coordinator CAIRN at CETRI, UCL/LAAP & SXC/SXCC
KTM Np) - Prof. Francois Houtart ( President du CETRI–UCL UCL/LLN
) - Prof. Mike Singleton ( President de UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP )
TO : A l’ aimable attention
de Mrs. Anne-France Jamart, Deputy Chief of Mission (Consular
50-N Shantipath, Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 Tel : + (91) (11) Fax: + (91) (11) NewDelhi@diplobel.be and
NEW ADDRESS NewDelhi@diplobel.fed.be (test)
& To the
kind attention of Mr & Mrs. Ang Tsering Sherpa (Jo
Sherpa-Logghe) Belgium Honorary Consulate in Kathmandu - KTM
Np Bhagawan Bahal, Thamel, Amrit Marg 643/26 P.O. Box 3022
Kathmandu Tel: (00.977.1) 441.89.22 Fax: (00.977.1) … e-mail:
Cultural Visa – Short Term
Duration : 21 days UCL CETRI Invitation Letter for Belgium Embassy
Delhi and Consulate KTM (academic workshop seminars and cultural
exhibitions planned at UCL/LLN & BRU – in two batches, being 1st
period : MAY/JUNE and 2nd period : OCTOBER 2009), jointly issued by
Prof. Francois Houtart – President of CETRI EU-NGO UCL/LLN and Prof. M.
Singleton President UCL/LAAP at the UCL/LLN in Belgium Int.
Coordination in KTM: William R LEON
Dear Mrs.
Anne-France Jamart, Dear Mrs. Jo Sherpa-Logghe,
This is first a
note of apology, written today from Bruxelles Belgium, on behalf of
M.M. Professor Francois HOUTART (President of CETRI EU-NGO UCL/LLN) and
Professor Mike Singleton (President of UCL/ANSO/LAAP UCL/LLN Belgium),
as well as above all by myself : Dr. W. R. LEON, Coordinator CETRI
NEPAL (SXC KTM Np), for the delays we suffered during the completion
of the final agenda and related visas files, which were earlier
verified and introduced successfully (ref- CPN/Maoists Rep: Mr.
Dong) after due consultations at our KTM Consulate, last September
2008, but then postponed.
Three things have happened since we
last contacted you in KTM NP, which none were directly under our
control, but nonetheless directly addressed the feasibility, agenda
and final legal content of these earlier submitted files, duly
prepared in KTM.
First, one of the major European partners of
the envisioned Cultural Events programmation actually sent us a late
notice last December, explaining that due to the financial crisis,
their Executive Board had decided to postpone the events foreseen from
earlier planned May/June 2009, upto later October 2009, including a
major shift in activities now having to provide more effectively
self-sustained supporting events like : Arts Exhibitions and Music, as
abiding to their last Cultural Market-Study results for attracting
Second, while this actually led to the same conclusions as
those we had already planned as for the suitable Academic Cultural
Market-niche per se, that in itself led to another major problem being
that two visas applicants : M.M Dong and Ghising (both active
representatives of CPN/Maoists government in Nepal, invited
to UCL/CETRI May/June), had learned of the earlier meeting held in
Caracas between Prof. Fr. Houtart and some other higher level
CPN/Maoists representatives : M.M. Gajurel and Karki, and so decided
to resign from the process initiated, while supplying some other new
names… At the same time, three or four of the other previous listed
persons (M.M. Ale Lama, Dharma, Namgyel and Anila: who had concluded an
earlier 2008 successful visas application and done an exhibitions
programme with us in May/June 2008), wanted to persue the process
initiated nonetheless …
Third, while I have been in France, UK and
Belgium, and meeting several times with Prof(s) Houtart and Singleton,
as well as with other European envisioned partners (for debriefing the
ongoing political scenario in Nepal and related programme options),
the blunt fact was that we still have not received from our local
Coordinator in KTM (Dharma) the required biodata details and
guarantees in full, as we need for the files, so that it obliges me to
return ASAP to KTM to verify and proceed successfully again these
files further, before submission at the Consulate, as usual…
a conclusion, this lead us to the final decision with UCL CETRI to prepare
once again here this week all the visas documents pro-formats as
legally required, and then come back within next weeks to finalize
these files, hopefully once and for all…
The present
courtesy note is accordingly submitted to the kind attention of the
Belgium Consulate KTM Nepal and Embassy / Cultural Visas Section
relevant services in New Delhi (India), for apologizing on these
successive delays in the finalisation of the UCL CETRI ORIGINAL
The final application files will be issued for a group of 5
to 7 Nepalese persons, all involved in the envisioned Development and
Cultural programmes to be presented from UCL CETRI in collaboration
with selected EU-NGOs in UCL and Belgium/EU.
The themes selected
will cover: - a Workshop at CETRI on Nepal current CPN/Maoists
Government Development Pol, - meetings with selected UCL centered
EU-NGOs, mostly upon : Alternative Energy, - meetings with other Units
scholars and development workers upon Nepal sit-rep, - a serie of
related sponsoring Sacred Arts & Music Exhibitions and Concerts, -
consultations on projects development, incl. NGOs, Arts & Cultural
Events. - ...
It has been envisioned that this group may be
submitted as one, or either divided into two successive batches of
appicants, based upon the advise to be gathered at Consulate KTM,
considering the need to keep visas duration as short period of 21 days
(one month max), while covering several events linked as a
process, between May/June and October 2009.
The final visas
application files and supporting docs annexes will be verified and
completed on arrival in KTM Nepal, before end of March, and then duly
submitted at the Honorary Consulate KTM, later this month with our
repeated excuses.
I may do a stop-over at Embassy Cultural Desk in
Delhi, while heading to KTM NP and will keep your services duly
informed… With thanks and kind
regards, RWL
William R Leon (PhD) CEO CAIRN /
CAER SIDI Cairn Consortium (EU-NGO) EU/Nepal Education Counselling
Center affiliated with St- Xavier's College (SXC) and St- Xavier's
Social Services Center (SXSSC) in Kathmandu / Nepal contact address
at: MSN : william_rene@hotmail.com (YAHOO:
william.rene@ymail.com) SKYPE: william.rene.leon
FROM : - Prof. Francois
Houtart ( President du CETRI–UCL UCL/LLN ) - Prof. Mike Singleton (
President de UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP ) - William R Leon (Coordinateur CAIRN
TO: A l’ aimable attention de Mrs. Anne-France
Jamart, Deputy Chief of Mission (Consular & Admin Affairs) at
Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 Tel : + (91) (11) Fax:
+ (91) (11) NewDelhi@diplobel.be
et Mr & Mrs.
Ang Tsering Sherpa (Jo Sherpa-Logghe) at Belgium Honorary Consulate in
Kathmandu - KTM Np Bhagawan Bahal, Thamel, Amrit Marg 643/26 P.O.
Box 3022 Kathmandu Tel: (00.977.1) 441.89.22 Fax: (00.977.1)
… e-mail:
CONCERNE: Cultural Visa –
Short Term Duration : 21 days Draft- Invitation Letter (academic
seminar UCL/LLN – period : …… to ..… , 2009) Cultural Visa request
jointly issued by Prof. Francois Houtart – President of CETRI EU-NGO
at UCL/LLN and Prof. M. Singleton – President of the UCL/ANSO LAAP at
UCL/LLN–Belgium, cc: Coordination CAIRN SXC KTM William R
Chère Mme. A-Fr Jamart, Dear Mrs. Jo
Suite aux dernieres consultations tenues a l'
UCL/LLN avec le Professeur Fr. Houtart (President de UCL/CETRI), le
Professeur M. Singleton (President de l’ UCL/LAAP ) et différent
representants d' unités quant a l’ évolution politique actuelle au Népal
et notre programmation de Séminaires, Expositions et Rencontres en Octobre
2009, j’ ai l’ honneur de vous adresser la présente LETTRE DE DEMANDE POUR
............. représentants Népalais invités par le CETRI à participer à
un programme intitulé :
programme qui comprendra des
activités auto-financées recouvrant les domaines culturels et
artistiques des Arts Sacres et Musiques des Traditions Tibetaine et
Népalaise, dont les détails sont repris ci-dessous.
programme sera organise au CETRI a Louvain-la-Neuve, selon un agenda
flexible de rencontres, groupes de travail et séminaires, prévus en
deux saisons entre May/Juin et Octobre 2009, ceci en préparation de la
visite possible du Professeur Fr. Houtart (expert UN, CETRI UCL/LLN) a
KTM Nepal (bureaux des Nations Unies, Delegation European Commission,
DFID, Consulate et St- Xaviers Campus & Social Services) a
Kathmandu Nepal, proprement dit, en 2009-10.
La présente initiative
fait suite au programme organisé l' an passé (Mai–Juin 2008) et se
situe dans le cadre d’une étude des développements idéologiques et
géo-politiques actuels au Népal, entre autre l’ évolution des
structures académiques et institutionnelles.
Le Centre tricontinental
(CETRI), organisation non gouvernementale fondée en 1976 et basée à
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgique), est un centre d'étude, de publication, de
documentation et d'éducation permanente sur le développement et les
rapports Nord-Sud.
Le CETRI a pour objectif de faire entendre des
points de vue du Sud et de contribuer à une réflexion critique sur les
conceptions et les pratiques dominantes du développement à l'heure de
la mondialisation néolibérale. Il s'attache en particulier à la
compréhension et à la discussion du rôle des acteurs sociaux et
politiques du Sud en lutte pour la reconnaissance des droits sociaux,
politiques, culturels et écologiques.
Les activités du CETRI sont de
quatre types : étude, formation, publication, documentation. L’
actualité dramatique de ces 10 dernières années au Népal a trouvé auprès
des formateurs et acteurs de nos plateformes UCL LAAP (Prof. Mike
Singleton) et CETRI (Prof. Fr. Houtart), une résonance particulière
motivée par la problématique de la nouvelle équipe gouvernementale
Népalaise et les bénéfices pouvant résulter de la rencontre
potentielle entre les besoins du pays et l ‘expertise de notre équipe en
une série de matières complexes, telles : Media Communication,
International Relations et Human Resources Development (HRD) Skills.
Notre programme est donc conçu dans le cadre d’ une joint- venture
tripartite comprenant le CAIRN Consortium (basé a KTM NP), le SXC KTM
NP, le CETRI et le LAAP de l’ UCL/LLN en Belgique, ainsi que d’ autres
partenaires EU/UK-, tel l’ UWS CDS et DACE in Wales
Merci de bien vouloir noter que,
comme la précédente, cette initiative a requis plus de 6 mois de
préparation. Elle en est, en ce moment, au niveau de l’ élaboration d’ un
agenda final des rencontres à UCL/LLN, de l‘ identification des items
requis pour le curriculum proposal selon les frameworks EC et DFID, ainsi
que de la vérification des pièces administratives requises pour la demande
des visas à KTM, telles que : les dernieres vérifications des passeports,
des biodata, des lettres de recommendations et autres justificatifs
nécessaires pour une bonne suite du dossier de visas, tel que repris
Nous vous sommes reconnaissant de bien vouloir ouvrir
un dossier sous la référence CETRI : - Prof. Francois Houtart (
President du CETRI – UCL/LLN ), - Prof. Mike Singleton ( President du
UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP ), - William R Leon (International Coordination KTM
Les formulaires de demandes de visas et les
pièces requises dans le dossier seront soumises tout d’ abord au
Consulat de Belgique à KTM NP pour vérification, interviews, et avis du
Consul sur la recevabilité, avant que d’ être transférés vers vos
services à l’ Ambassade de New Delhi.
Merci d’ accuser réception
de la présente et de nous informer de l’ état d’ avancement du
dossier, en ce compris tout transfert éventuel du dossier a Bruxelles
(tel qu’en septembre 2008), ainsi que de toutes pièces ou précisions
manquantes, ou confusion commises, de telle manière a nous permettre cette
fois d’ y remédier a temps, pour une arrivée du groupe à Bruxelles prévue
entre le ...................... 2009.
Très cordialement,
Prof. Francois Houtart ( President du CETRI – UCL/LLN ) : - Prof. Mike
Singleton ( President du UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP ) :
Please find
TERM DURATION (21 days) TOR, as issued to the … Nepalese Applicants,
as quoted hereunder.
cc: William R Leon (International
Coordination KTM NP CAIRN/LAAP).
March 05,
To the kind attention of : - Mrs. Anne-France
Jamart, Deputy Chief of Mission (Consular & Admin Affairs) at
Chanakyapuri New Delhi 110021 Tel : + (91) (11) Fax:
+ (91) (11) NewDelhi@diplobel.be
and - Mr & Mrs. Ang
Tsering Sherpa (Jo Sherpa-Logghe) at Belgium Honorary Consulate in
Kathmandu - KTM Np Bhagawan Bahal, Thamel, Amrit Marg 643/26 P.O.
Box 3022 Kathmandu Tel: (00.977.1) 441.89.22 Fax: (00.977.1)
… e-mail: diplobel@wlink.com.np
Cultural Visa – Short
Term Duration : 21 days Original Invitation Letter for Belgium Embassy
and Belgium Consulate KTM (academic seminar at UCL/LLN – period :
from…………………………………..........., 2009) , jointly issued by Prof.
Francois Houtart – President of the CETRI EU-NGO UCL/LLN and Prof. M.
Singleton President UCL/LAAP at the UCL/LLN in
Belgium Coordination in KTM: William R
Dear Mrs. Anne-France Jamart, Dear Mrs. Jo
We, Professor Francois HOUTART (President of CETRI
EU-NGO UCL/LLN) and Professor Mike SINGLETON (President of
UCL/ANSO/LAAP UCL/LLN Belgium), in close collaboration with our
International Nepal Coordinator: Dr. W. R. LEON (CEO CAIRN KTM Np),
wish hereby to submit to the kind attention of the Belgium Embassy /
Cultural Visas Section relevant services in New Delhi (India), the
DURATION: 21 days), issued for the : ………… Nepalese persons, namely
listed hereunder: (1) Mr. DHARMA RAJ SHAKYA, MBA, NP
Passport Number: 362 83 08 CAIRN Local Coordinator (see
recommendation letter) (2) Mr. LAMA ALE, NP Passport number: 324
18 89 Representative (Thangkas Arts) (see recommendation
letter) (3) Mrs. MINGMA DOLMA BHUTIA….., (* : to be
reconfirmed…:…..) NP Passport number: 358 67 24 Representative
(Coordination Tibetan Handicraft: Dance Masks Concerts) (see
recommendation letter) (4) Mrs. SANGMO SHERPA, (** : previous visa
granted May 2008) (*) NP Passport number: 254 10 77 Representative
Ani-La (Chod Ritual Puja Concerts, gNakpas Yogini) (see recommendation
letter) (5) Mr. NAMGYEL SHERPA, (** : previous visa granted May
2008) (*) NP Passport number: 368 06 23 Representative Lama (Chod
Ritual Puja Concerts, gNakpas Yogi Lama) (see recommendation
letter) (6) Mr. Badri Karki, (*) (***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 :
……………………..) NP Passport number: 417 24 08 Representative :
…………. (see recommendation letter) (7) Mr. Rudra Thapa, (*) (***:
Batch 1 May/June 2009 : …………………………) NP Passport number: 417 24
07 Representative :…………. (see recommendation letter) (8) Mr.
Santosh Phokharel, (*) (***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP
Passport number: 241 34 27 Representative : …… (see recommendation
letter) (9) Mr…………………………………………., (*) (***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 :
……………………..) NP Passport number: ………………… Representative : …… (see
recommendation letter) … (10) Mr…………………………………………., (*) (***:
Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP Passport number:
………………… Representative : …… (see recommendation
We hereby declare that we shall duly provide
both the Belgium Honorary Consulate in KTM NP and the Belgium Embassy
Visa Section in New-Delhi with all the necessary information required
for a successful outcome, at both the Belgium Consulate in KTM, and at
the Embassy in Delhi.
With reference to the EU/Schengen Visa
conditions, the present letter of invitation is to be completed with a
MoU (Pedagogic Contract) now being signed in KTM with each Nepalese
participant, as Terms of Reference (TOR) which duly mention the
purpose of travel and information, the main purpose and locations of
activities, as well as who is bearing the expenses.
You will find these MoU
Contracts duly signed, annexed in each application file to be submitted in
KTM Np. The valid travel insurance and Sponsorships Recommendation Letters
are added to the file to be submitted in due time at the Belgium Consulate
in KTM, prior to transfer to the Belgium Embassy in New Delhi.
We remain at your full
disposition for further information, as may be needed. With kind
regards and thanks,
Signed/Date: Prof. Fr. Houtart :
Signed/Date: Prof. Mike Singleton :
Dr. William Rene LEON :
We have duly informed
each of the Cultural Visa Applicant of the visa process required
documents, namely: • A valid travel document (e.g. national passport)
valid for three months longer than the visa. • A visa application form
correctly completed, signed and accompanied by one recent passport photos
bearing a true likeness to the applicant. • A letter of invitation
from the Belgian institute or organization mentioning purpose of travel
and information of who is bearing the expenses. REM: THE APPLICANT’S
RECOMMENDATION letter from the local NGO, Gompa or organization defining
again who is bearing the expenses. • Proof of a valid travel insurance
policy, either individual or group, with a minimum cover is 30,000 Euro.
ANNEX: 1- Copy of the UCL CETRI Invitation Letter
(abiding to EU Schengen Regulations MoU Contract), 2- Visa Applications
of all Nepalese concerned, 3- Details of each applicants supporting
documents, 4- Main Purpose of the Programme : Oct-Nov 2008, 5- Means
of support in terms of foreign currency, cum identification of sponsors
and logistics provided.
namely listed hereunder: (1) Mr.
DHARMA RAJ SHAKYA, MBA, NP Passport Number: 362 83 08 CAIRN Local
Coordinator (see recommendation letter) (2) Mr. LAMA ALE, NP
Passport number: 324 18 89 Representative (Thangkas Arts) (see
recommendation letter) (3) Mrs. MINGMA DOLMA BHUTIA….., (* : to be
reconfirmed…:…..) NP Passport number: 358 67 24 Representative
(Coordination Tibetan Handicraft: Dance Masks Concerts) (see
recommendation letter) (4) Mrs. SANGMO SHERPA, (** : previous visa
granted May 2008) (*) NP Passport number: 254 10 77 Representative
Ani-La (Chod Ritual Puja Concerts, gNakpas Yogini) (see recommendation
letter) (5) Mr. NAMGYEL SHERPA, (** : previous visa granted May
2008) (*) NP Passport number: 368 06 23 Representative Lama (Chod
Ritual Puja Concerts, gNakpas Yogi Lama) (see recommendation
letter) (6) Mr. Badri Karki, (*) (***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 :
……………………..) NP Passport number: 417 24 08 Representative :
…………. (see recommendation letter) (7) Mr. Rudra Thapa, (*) (***:
Batch 1 May/June 2009 : …………………………) NP Passport number: 417 24
07 Representative :…………. (see recommendation letter) (8) Mr.
Santosh Phokharel, (*) (***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP
Passport number: 241 34 27 Representative : …… (see recommendation
letter) (9) Mr…………………………………………., (*) (***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 :
……………………..) NP Passport number: ………………… Representative : …… (see
recommendation letter) … (10) Mr…………………………………………., (*) (***:
Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP Passport number:
………………… Representative : …… (see recommendation
-------------------------------------------------------- (1) Mr.
DHARMA RAJ SHAKYA, MBA, specialist in Newar Tibetan Ritual Artifacts,
Trainer (sponsored by Mr. Ale Lama) Name : SHAKYA DHARMA RAJ Title
: Coordinator Grp Translator / Handicraft Marketing Consultant Home
email contact address : shakyadraj@hotmail.com Home postal address :
BOUDHA PHULBARI - Ktm-6 – Nepal (LALITPUR -12) Street/No: Tinchhule
Marga house No. 261 City: KTM Country: NEPAL Telephone No.
(including area code): 2070114, 9841370143 (KTM NP : 00 – 977 -
1) Confidentiality secured data Nationality: NEPALI Date of
Birth: 7 JULY 1977 First Language (if other than English) :
NEPALI Second Language : ENGLISH Passport Details Passport
Country: Nepal Passport Number: 362 83 08 Passport validity (must be
6 months valid) Passport issued on:29/07/2007 Passport expires
on:28/07/2017 Passport issued where: LALITPUR, NEPAL Passport issued
by: MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS NEPAL Requested Year/period for Entry:
OCTOBER2008 Define your Topic of Research Project: Have you
previously applied for admission to the EU or UK : YES! If yes, please
specify your application : ACADEMIC BACKGROUND Please give details
of your degree : MASTER'S IN BUSINESS STUDY Any other equivalent
qualification : Awarding Institution or Body : TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY
(TU) KTM NP Official Name of Qualification : MBS Subject(s) of
degree: MAJOR IN ACCOUNTANCY AND TAXATION Please provide the names,
addresses and positions of two work-related referees. a- KRISHNA KUMAR
LALITPUR,9841568776 Requested Year/period for Entry: OCTOBER/NOVEMBER
2008 Define your Topic of Research Project: ………. DECLARATION I
confirm that the information provided on this application form is
true, complete and accurate, and that no information requested here or
other material information has been omitted by me. I understand
that CAIRN reserves the right to establish the authenticity of my
application and that it reserves the right to cancel my application if
false information has been provided. Signature of Applicant: DHARMA
(2) Mr. LAMA ALE,
Nepal Thankgas Academy, TRAINER specialist in Thangkas Painting
(self-sponsored) Name: Mr. LAMA ALE Nationality: Nepali Date of
birth: 22.03.1969 Place of Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female :
M Profession: Thangka Arts Passport number: 3241 889 Passport
issued at : Bhaktapur, Nepal Date of issue: 15.10.2006 Validity
upto date: 14.10.2016 Residence address in Nepal: Hitevi-3, Ramecchap,
Nepal Place of Residence: Boudhanath, KTM Np Name of eventual
Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact address: KTM,
Nepal Tel: 009-77-9841- 247 671 Fax: N Email:
aminlama@yahoo.com Duration of intended visit in Belgium: max. 3
months (1-3 months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk English : Moderate! Talk
French : No Ever been in Europe or UK before: NO. Ever applied for
EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before : YES! Requested
Year/period for Entry: OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2008 Define your Topic of
Research Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information
provided on this application form is true, complete and
accurate, and that no information requested here or other material
information has been omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN
reserves the right to establish the authenticity of my application
and that it reserves the right to cancel my application if false
information has been provided. Signature of Applicant: DHARMA RAJ
(3) Mrs. MINGMA DOLMA BHUTIA….., (* : to be
reconfirmed…:…..) NP Passport number: 358 67 24 Representative
(Coordination Tibetan Handicraft: Dance Masks Concerts) (see
recommendation letter)
(4) Mrs. SANGMO SHERPA, (**
: previous visa granted May 2008) (*) NP Passport number: 254 10
77 Representative Ani-La (Chod Ritual Puja Concerts, gNakpas
Yogini) (see recommendation letter)
(5) Mr. NAMGYEL SHERPA, (** :
previous visa granted May 2008) (*) NP Passport number: 368 06
23 Representative Lama (Chod Ritual Puja Concerts, gNakpas Yogi
Lama) (see recommendation letter)
(6) Mr. Badri Karki, (*) (***:
Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP Passport number: 417 24
08 Representative : …………. (see recommendation
(7) Mr. Rudra Thapa, (*) (***:
Batch 1 May/June 2009 : …………………………) NP Passport number: 417 24
07 Representative :…………. (see recommendation
(8) Mr. Santosh Phokharel, (*)
(***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP Passport number: 241 34
27 Representative : …… (see recommendation
(9) Mr…………………………………………., (*)
(***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP Passport number:
………………… Representative : …… (see recommendation
letter) …
(10) Mr…………………………………………., (*)
(***: Batch 1 May/June 2009 : ……………………..) NP Passport number:
………………… Representative : …… (see recommendation
(6) Name: Mr. Badri
Karki Address: Kristinachne Chour -3 Kaski Place of Birth:
Kristinachne Chour -3 Kaski Date of Birth: 26/12/1962 Nationality:
Nepali Date of birth: … Place of Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female
: Male Profession: Paper Handicraft (Smriti Handicraft) Passport
number: 4172408 Passport issued at : DAO Kaski Date of issue:
18/08/2008 Validity upto date: 17/08/2018 Residence address in
Nepal: Kristinachne Chour -3 Kaski Place of Residence: Kristinachne
Chour -3 Kaski Name of eventual Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ...
Applicant contact address: Tel (home): Mobile: Fax:
Email: sajanbro_8@yahoo.com Duration of intended visit in Belgium:
max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk English : Yes Talk
French : no Ever been in Europe or UK before: No Ever applied for
EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before : No Requested Year/period
for Entry: May 2009 Define your Topic of Research Project:
……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided on this
application form is true, complete and accurate, and that no
information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant: …
(6b) Name:
Address: Place of Birth: Date of Birth: Nationality: Nepali
Date of birth: … Place of Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female :
Profession: Passport number: Passport issued at : Date of
issue: Validity upto date: Residence address in Nepal: Place
of Residence: Name of eventual Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ...
Applicant contact address: Tel (home): Mobile: Fax:
Email: Duration of intended visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3
months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk English : Talk French : Ever
been in Europe or UK before: Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium,
USA or UK Visa before : Requested Year/period for Entry: Define
your Topic of Research Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that
the information provided on this application form is true, complete
and accurate, and that no information requested here or other material
information has been omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN
reserves the right to establish the authenticity of my application
and that it reserves the right to cancel my application if false
information has been provided. Signature of Applicant:
(7) Name: Rudra
Thapa Address: Kristinachne Chour -5 Kaski Place of Birth:
Kristinachne Chour -5 Kaski Date of Birth: 13/04/1972 Nationality:
Nepali Date of birth: … Place of Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female
: M Profession: Pasmina Handicraft ( Mina Pasmina Udhyog) Passport
number: 4172407 Passport issued at : DAO Kaski Date of issue:
18/08/2008 Validity upto date: 17/08/2018 Residence address in
Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of eventual Sponsor
Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact address: Tel
(home): Mobile: Fax: Email: sajanbro_8@yahoo.com Duration
of intended visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen
Visa) Talk English : Yes Talk French : No Ever been in Europe or
UK before: No Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa
before : no Requested Year/period for Entry: May2009 Define your
Topic of Research Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the
information provided on this application form is true, complete and
accurate, and that no information requested here or other material
information has been omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN
reserves the right to establish the authenticity of my application
and that it reserves the right to cancel my application if false
information has been provided. Signature of Applicant:
(7b) Name: Address: Place of Birth: Date of
Birth: Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: … Place of Birth:
Nepal Sex: Male/Female : Profession: Passport number:
Passport issued at : Date of issue: Validity upto date:
Residence address in Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of
eventual Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact
address: Tel (home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of
intended visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen
Visa) Talk English : Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK
before: Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before
: Requested Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research
Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided
on this application form is true, complete and accurate, and that
no information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant: …
(8) Name: Mr. Santosh Phokharel
Address: Putali Bajar-6 Syanja Place of Birth: Putali Bajar-6
Syanja Date of Birth: Name: Mr. Santosh Phokharel Address:
Putali Bajar-6 Syanja Place of Birth: Putali Bajar-6 Syanja Date
of Birth: 26/12/1962 Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: …
Place of Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female : Male Profession:
Thanka and Metal statue Passport number: 2413427 ort issued at :
DAO Syanja Date of issue: 14-01-2005 Validity upto date:
13-01-2015 Residence address in Nepal: Thamel Kathmandu Place of
Residence: Thamel Kathmandu Name of eventual Sponsor
Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact address: Tel
(home): Mobile: Fax: Email: @yahoo.com Duration of intended
visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk
English : Yes Talk French : no Ever been in Europe or UK before: No
Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before :
No Requested Year/period for Entry: May 2009 Define your Topic of
Research Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information
provided on this application form is true, complete and
accurate, and that no information requested here or other material
information has been omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN
reserves the right to establish the authenticity of my application
and that it reserves the right to cancel my application if false
information has been provided. Signature of Applicant: …
(8b) Mr. … Name: …
Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: … Place of Birth: Nepal
Sex: Male/Female : M Profession: Passport number: Passport
issued at : Date of issue: Validity upto date: Residence
address in Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of eventual Sponsor
Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact address: Tel
(home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of intended visit in
Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk English :
Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK before: Ever applied
for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before : Requested
Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research Project:
……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided on this
application form is true, complete and accurate, and that no
information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant:
(9) Mr. … Name: …
Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: … Place of Birth: Nepal
Sex: Male/Female : M Profession: Passport number: Passport
issued at : Date of issue: Validity upto date: Residence
address in Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of eventual Sponsor
Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact address: Tel
(home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of intended visit in
Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk English :
Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK before: Ever applied
for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before : Requested
Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research Project:
……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided on this
application form is true, complete and accurate, and that no
information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant:
(10) Mr.
… Name: … Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: … Place of
Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female : M Profession: Passport number:
Passport issued at : Date of issue: Validity upto date:
Residence address in Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of
eventual Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact
address: Tel (home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of
intended visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen
Visa) Talk English : Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK
before: Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before
: Requested Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research
Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided
on this application form is true, complete and accurate, and that
no information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant:
(11) Mr.
… Name: … Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: … Place of
Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female : M Profession: Passport number:
Passport issued at : Date of issue: Validity upto date:
Residence address in Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of
eventual Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact
address: Tel (home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of
intended visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen
Visa) Talk English : Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK
before: Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before
: Requested Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research
Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided
on this application form is true, complete and accurate, and that
no information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant:
(..) Mr. … Name: … Nationality:
Nepali Date of birth: … Place of Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female
: M Profession: Passport number: Passport issued at : Date
of issue: Validity upto date: Residence address in Nepal:
Place of Residence: Name of eventual Sponsor
Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact address: Tel
(home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of intended visit in
Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen Visa) Talk English :
Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK before: Ever applied
for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before : Requested
Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research Project:
……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided on this
application form is true, complete and accurate, and that no
information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant:
(..) Mr.
… Name: … Nationality: Nepali Date of birth: … Place of
Birth: Nepal Sex: Male/Female : M Profession: Passport number:
Passport issued at : Date of issue: Validity upto date:
Residence address in Nepal: Place of Residence: Name of
eventual Sponsor Organization/NGOs/Gompa: ... Applicant contact
address: Tel (home): Mobile: Fax: Email: Duration of
intended visit in Belgium: max. 3 months (1-3 months EU- Schengen
Visa) Talk English : Talk French : Ever been in Europe or UK
before: Ever applied for EU Schengen / Belgium, USA or UK Visa before
: Requested Year/period for Entry: Define your Topic of Research
Project: ……………. DECLARATION I confirm that the information provided
on this application form is true, complete and accurate, and that
no information requested here or other material information has been
omitted by me. I understand that CAIRN reserves the right to establish
the authenticity of my application and that it reserves the right
to cancel my application if false information has been
provided. Signature of Applicant:
CETRI / LAAP Personal Cultural Visa Invitation Letter CC: Embassy,
To the kind attention
Dear ………………………………….,
behalf of the UCL/CETRI and UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP, we, Professor Francois
Houtart and Professor Mike Singleton, wish to cordially invite you to
proceed at the appropriate time at the Belgium Consulate in KTM, under
guidance of our Int. Coordinator in Nepal: Mr. William R LEON, with your
Visa Application for a Cultural Exchange Visa (re: Belgium is your point
of arrival in the EU), as well as with your valid Passport and all other
supporting documents, as required under the present Pedagogic Contract
(MoU) agreed with you.
The present Original Letter of Invitation
from Professor Francois Houtart and Professor Mike Singleton, has been
issued at the UCL/CETRI and UCL/POLS/LAAP, in UCL/LLN in Belgium. It must
be appended to your Application, while further references to the
EU/Schengen Visa conditions, as applying to Nepalese citizens, are duly
listed for your kind attention hereunder.
Beside this, kindly note
that your Visa Guarantee Transfer once duly proceeded and received in
Belgium will cover your local travel, accommodation and related B&B
living expenses (per diem), for a duration of 21 days, as defined under
the required EU/Schengen Visa Per Diem Visa conditions and as duly agreed
with you.
We will provide you and the Belgium Consulate in due
time with all necessary details on options, itinerary, lodging in
guesthouse or private house, as well as on the academic workshop and
exhibition related itinerary package, for a smooth collaboration, based
upon the required financial conditions defined in present MoU.
current letter should allow you both to organize your leave from Nepal
within the suggested period, as well as give you enough time to organize
obtain the Visa through Application and Interview at the Belgium Honorary
Consulate in KTM Np.
Please note that in order
to qualify to travel to the EU under a Schengen 3 Months Visa, you must be
able to show and explain during your interview at the Belgium Consulate
that you will follow all required conditions, as they are hereunder
reviewed, duly verify and included in this MoU Agreement. Please check
with the Consular Section the acceptability of the present letter and
annexes. We hereby declare that we shall duly provide in due time all the
required details related to the planned visit, as in the supporting
documents herewith. It should be noted that an invitation for conference
is not in itself sufficient documentation for granting a visa. In such
cases, the Embassy will seek credible evidence to justify how and why such
participation will be beneficial and be of interest to the applicant. This
is why the correct and complete elaboration of your seminars programme and
related visa file is necessary for granting success. If the Visa
Section of the Belgium Embassy is not satisfied with the bona fide of the
applicant, the application will be rejected and the stamp (in red ink)
shown below will remain in the passport. The applicant should be aware
that at the time of submitting a visa application, the name of the
applicant is formally registered in the Schengen data system. We urge you
to give to these administrative issues your full attention and to duly
prepare and check with our Coordinator in situ (RWL) the full content of
your Visa File, before interview. MoU TERMS OF REFERENCE
(TOR) Fees Per Person (Euros): Prices Options are With or Without
Flights included! - With Airfare: 21 Days : 4, 700 Euros - - Without
Airfare 21 Days : 4,000 Euros – to be paid in full prior to Visa File at
Submission Embassy, this possibly by SWIFT transfer in due time from your
Account in KTM NP to our CAIRN Bank Account in Belgium - Deposit for
Registration & Visa Per Diem Guarantees : 1,500 Euros –prior to
Issuance Invitation Letter - Deposit for Visa File Administrative
Costs in KTM Np : all remaining dues as per TOR above, incl.
flight Fees Include - Bed & Breakfast (B&B)
Room & Breakfast in located Hotel/Guesthouse (***) in twin rooms
during 21 days as per the Option chosen (double occupancy / B&B /
single extra) - Single extra supplement is: Euros 50 per each day
occupancy - All Airfares International and Regional trains/bus, as per
Option chosen (MoU) - Price also includes the UCL meetings, seminars
and consultations, including guidance. Fees Do Not Include
- Fees for your European (Schengen) Visa, - Loss of or
damage to Luggage/Personal Property. - Travel and Medical Insurance
expenses, - Food else than B&B, - Loss of personal items,
passports, etc… - Any transportation, meals or lodging costs being due
after 21days chosen option complete duration, - Other meals or drinks
other than those provided in the Agenda & Itinerary.
Deposit, Per Diem Guarantees and Registration I -
Deposit for pre-registration in Nepal is: 25,000 N.Rs. only. II. -
Deposit as Per Diem Visa Guarantee is Euros: 1,500 Euros only (receipt)
III. - Final Dues of Tour Fees are to be made at a Swift Code Bank
Numbers in EU or by Western Union Money Transfer at the address in Belgium
(CAIRN/UCL), which will be provided to you at the time of your final
Related receipt and registration documents
will be duly provided to you. Price is same whether transfer is made by
check, Western Union, Swift Code or credit card. Deposit Payment of Per
Diem Euros: 1,500 deposit secures your participation and the issuing of
the UCL/CETRI INVITATION LETTER. This is not refundable.
1/2 of
balance of payment due by 30 days before VISA APPLICATION. Remaining of
dues balance (full payment) to be made BEFORE VISA APPLICATION TO EMBASSY.
Euros: 50 late payment fees added if payments not made by due dates
(Euros: 50 for payment not met).
Cancellation & Refund
Refund is minus Euros: 100 fees, to be made if cancellation is
emailed/postmarked by 30 days prior to departure. If cancellation
postmarked between 30-15 days prior to departure Euros: 200 is
non-refundable. If cancellation postmarked between 15-03 days prior to
departure, Euros: 300 is non-refundable. If cancellation
emailed/postmarked under three (3) days from departure there is no refund.
Insurance We strongly recommend travel and health insurance, as
per the EU- Schengen Visa regulations, which enables you to recover all
deposits if you need to cancel the trip due to illness or death. Please
contact us if you want details on this insurance. No partial refunds will
be given under any circumstances for unused hotel rooms, meals, or
sightseeing trips. Duration Duration of the present program MoU
is: 21 Days, starting around November 10-20, on arrival in Belgium.
With kindest regards, Yours truly, Prof. Francois Houtart :
…………………… Date: Stamp:
MoU (TOR):
"I AGREE" to the TERMS and CONDITIONS of the present
MoU (Memorandum of Agreement), including the Mandatory "DEPOSIT",
specified on CAIRN Consortium Academic Exchange Programme Online. I, …
……………………………....... (FULL NAME) am confirming that I have read, understand,
voluntarily agree without inducement, and accept each and all booking
terms, conditions and policies set forth by the CETRI, LAAP and CAIRN
Consortium, and that I understand the terms hereof and voluntarily sign
this MoU (original) document. This includes my full understanding,
agreement and compliance with the Programme Terms of Reference (TOR)
listed hereunder: The present Invitation Letter and its supporting
documents are drafted for confidential use only, to be restricted to the
Belgium Consulate, Belgium Embassy, Belgium immigration agencies, UCL
and SXC KTM. All discussion, procedures, agreements or disagreements
will remain under the sole jurisdiction of the Belgium jurisdiction
which supervises Academic International Exchange and Cultural Visas
thereupon. The CETRI, LAAP and CAIRN EU-NGO activities herein listed
are to be undertaken in Belgium and the EU. Accordingly, the CETRI,
LAAP and CAIRN issue of the present letter only recognizes responsibility
in the process of cultural visas submission at the relevant services and
related pgr organization in Belgium EU. The EU Schengen Academic Visas
Legal Per Diem Financial Guarantee, value: 1500 Euros, being required
under visas regulations as a transfer to be done to the UCL before the
Issuance of the present Invitation Letter is and will remain NON
REFUNDABLE. I, …………………………………………………… (FULL NAME) take the
full responsibility of the passport, biodata and all supporting
documents related to the Visa Application KTM. I understand that
the CETRI, LAAP and CAIRN will endeavour with the help of the Honorary
Consul KTM to verify, comment and possibly ask me to complete my visa
application file in due time in KTM, for a batch submission and
interview at Consulate KTM. I understand that any delay, mistake or
lapses may lead to financial loss, administrative delays or severance
of process, depending upon the case arising. Agreement of the
Applicant: ……………………..……………………… Signed in Kathmandu Nepal, on date:
…………/ …………../
present MoU (Memorandum of Agreement), including the Mandatory
RIGHTS", as specified on CAIRN Consortium Academic Exchange Programme
Online. As SPONSOR of the above named applicant, I, …
……………………………....... (FULL NAME) am confirming that I have read,
understand, voluntarily agree without inducement, and accept each and
all booking terms, conditions and policies set forth by CAIRN Consortium,
and that I understand the responsibility of sponsorship under the
terms hereof and voluntarily sign this MoU document. For agreement as
Sponsor, namely: Agreement of the Sponsor: ……………….………………………………
Signed in Kathmandu Nepal, on date: …………/ …………../ ……….. ADDENDUM TO
……………………………………………………………………….. AMENDMENTS to the present TOR may be
decided and agreed upon once in the EU/Belgium.
Invitation Letter issuance to Applicant, namely : Mr:
………………………………………….., Date: ………….. Signature:…….. REMAINING DUES AS PER
TOR, prior to Submission of visas file and Interview KTM for
Applicant, namely : Mr…………………………………………….., Date:…………….. Signature:………
REMARKS: For Prospective
If you wish to apply for a visa to Belgium, kindly
read the information on this site carefully. The guidelines listed on this
site are to help you prepare your documents as accurately as possible.
This will reduce the chances of your application being delayed or declined
due to inadequate or incorrect submission of documents.
Type C
Schengen visa / Documents to be provided when applying for a
Short visit visa or travel visa, visa for several entries: a
visa allowing aliens to enter the territory of the Schengen States for an
uninterrupted maximum stay of 90 days or for one or more successive visits
over a period of six months, with the total period not exceeding 90 days.
Visas issued by Belgian diplomatic and consular authorities may not be
valid for more than one year, the period during which the authorized visit
may be made. The visa may be issued for one or more entries. Visa
applicants must be aware that the documents referred to only constitute
the basic documents that have to be submitted in every case. Other
additional documents may be required by the Belgian diplomatic or consular
representation, taking into account the circumstances of the application
or to the specific context of the applicant's country of origin. (Please
read hereunder) SPORTS OR CULTURAL VISA • A valid travel document
(e.g. national passport) valid for three months longer than the visa.
• A visa application form correctly completed, signed and accompanied
by one recent passport photos bearing a true likeness to the applicant.
• A letter of invitation from the Belgian institute or organization
mentioning purpose of travel and information of who is bearing the
expenses. • A letter from the Indian institute or organization
confirming travel and who is bearing the expenses. • Proof of a valid
travel insurance policy, either individual or group, with a minimum cover
is 30,000 Euro. Important: 1. The documents listed above are only
the basic documents to be submitted in all cases. Additional documents may
be requested by the Consulate and Applicants may also be invited for an
interview. 2. All submitted documents must be recent (within the last
06 month). Submitting false documents may be followed by legal action.
3. The Consulate may ask for verification from the bank/financial
institutions for the financial documents provided. 4. The above
mentioned type 'C' visa is for valid for all Schengen countries and is
intended for a short stay up to 90 days. 5. The Consulate also
processes applications for Luxembourg. 6. Minor applicants must
provide a letter of consent signed by both parents. 7. For the correct
fee, please log on to our websites: http://www.diplomatie.be/newdelhi or
http://www.vfs-be-in.com/ 8. Please take a photocopy of the first
page of your passport prior to your submission at VFS.
to be usually provided when applying for a Schengen visa: - a valid
travel document (a passport, for example) to which a visa may be affixed.
The validity of the travel document must be three months longer than that
of the visa; - University unit personal Invitation Letter, or a
Guarantee letter from the Municipality in Belgium where the Belgium
sponsor resides. (Pro-Format) - Confirmed flight booking two ways, in
this case return tickets covering KTM-LHR-BRU in May/August 07. -
Medical insurance for the visiting period in Belgium, as required by
Belgium Consulate notice in KTM NP. - Bank statement of the applicant
if the applicant is visiting on self-finance, including CAIRN Per Diem
Guarantees and/or Bank statement of your sponsor, including confirmation
of the Financial Guarantees, confirming precisely who is bearing what of
the costs involved in a one to three months in Belgium EU. - any
documents substantiating the purpose (for example, invitations from other
units, leaflets Seminars and list of appointments with Belgian scholars or
friends) , as well as the detailed conditions of the planned visit (hotel
reservation, contact address, for example). These documents generally have
a substantiating effect only if they are the originals;
- any
documents proving that you personally have transferred (or your sponsor
has granted you) sufficient means of support (Foreign Currency) to cover
the visit and the return, as well as any medical expenses, in the form of
an undertaking of responsibility if need be; kindly see the Consulate
notice on Insurance.
- as for financial credit, applicants must
able to have access to 38 euro per day of his/her intended visit if he/she
is staying with an individual, or 50 euro per day of his/her intended
visit if he/she is staying in a hotel. This amount has been completed by
CAIRN as being a round 75 Euros min per day, covering transport.
The applicant must prove that he/she has taken out valid personal travel
insurance to cover possible expenditure for repatriation for medical
reasons, medical care and/or emergency treatment in a hospital. In
principle, the applicant must take out insurance in their country of
residence. The visa applicant must contact the Belgian embassy or
consulate to find out which insurance policies have been accepted. The
insurance in question must be valid throughout the territory of the
Schengen member states and cover the full duration of the stay. The
minimal cover is 30,000 euro, with an average calculation by cairn being :
In case of visa applications related to a family visit, the
guarantor's minimum monthly net income must amount to 800 euro. This
amount shall be increased by respectively 150 euro for each person already
dependent on the guarantor and by an additional 150 euro for each person
invited. As for visa applications for tourist purposes, the guarantor's
minimum monthly net income must amount to 1000 euro plus 150 euro for each
person already dependent on the guarantor and an additional 200 euro for
each person invited. Rem: CAIRN calculation basis for this MoU living
expenses are Per Diem 75 Euros per day.
A visa application
can be submitted by the following:
1) Applicant himself. 2)
Travel Agents. 3) Representative.
Applications accepted at
Belgium Visa Application Centre will be submitted on the same day in the
embassy. The time required to process Visa Applications is minimum of 1
working day under normal circumstances (excluding day of submission at
VFS). In case a Representative or Travel Agent is coming to collect the
application he/she needs to carry a Photo Id of himself/herself and an
authority letter from the applicant.
Schengen visa has to be
obtained from the the Embassy / Consulate of the country where the MAIN
PURPOSE OF TRAVEL lies. Therefore, please check your travel plans before
making your application to the Belgian Consulate. In case of travel to
multiple Schengen countries, please make your application to the
Embassy/Consulate where you will be staying for the maximum number of
Schengen visa is valid for Austria Belgium Denmark
Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands
Norway Portugal Spain Sweden
Please check hereunder details upon
respective purpose of travel:
Tourist Visa • A
valid travel document (e.g. national passport) valid for three months
longer than the visa. • A visa application form correctly completed,
signed and accompanied by one recent passport photos bearing a true
likeness to the applicant. • A detailed itinerary with confirmed hotel
bookings for the whole journey within the Schengen countries. • Proof
of sufficient and regular personal financial means (recent salary slips,
bank statements and/or income tax papers). • Proof of a valid travel
insurance policy, either individual or group, with a minimum cover is
30,000 Euro. • Proof of transport arrangements (Confirmed Return
Airplane Tickets or bookings). Important: 1. The documents listed
above are only the basic documents to be submitted in all cases.
Additional documents may be requested by the Consulate and Applicants may
also be invited for an interview. 2. All submitted documents must be
recent (within the last 06 months). Submitting false documents may be
followed by legal action. 3. The Consulate may ask for verification
from the bank/financial institutions for the financial documents provided.
4. 4. The above mentioned type 'C' visa is for valid for all Schengen
countries and is intended for a short stay up to 90 days. 5. The
Consulate also processes applications for Luxembourg. 6. Minor
applicants must provide a letter of consent signed by both parents 7.
For the correct fee, please contact the Belgium Consulate KTM Np 8.
Please take a photocopy of the first page of your passport prior to your
CULTURAL VISA • A valid travel document
(e.g. national passport) valid for three months longer than the visa.
• A visa application form correctly completed, signed and accompanied
by one recent passport photos bearing a true likeness to the applicant.
• A letter of invitation from the Belgian institute or organization
mentioning purpose of travel and information of who is bearing the
expenses. • A letter from the Indian institute or organization
confirming travel and who is bearing the expenses. • Proof of a valid
travel insurance policy, either individual or group, with a minimum cover
is 30,000 Euro. Important: 1. The documents listed above are only
the basic documents to be submitted in all cases. Additional documents may
be requested by the Consulate and Applicants may also be invited for an
interview. 2. All submitted documents must be recent (within the last
06 month). Submitting false documents may be followed by legal action.
3. The Consulate may ask for verification from the bank/financial
institutions for the financial documents provided. 4. The above
mentioned type 'C' visa is for valid for all Schengen countries and is
intended for a short stay up to 90 days. 5. The Consulate also
processes applications for Luxembourg. 6. Minor applicants must
provide a letter of consent signed by both parents. 7. For the correct
fee, please log on to our websites: http://www.diplomatie.be/newdelhi or
www.vfs-be-in.com 8. Please take a photocopy of the first page of
your passport prior to your submission
Yesterday I met CPN New one regarding your new proposal and they said fine
the will follow up directly with you. Rene these people I choose are quite
serious and are in the level which your are looking. I mean to say they
are in international level. From the best of my Knowledge I brief them
what I can regarding our program and prospectives. On the investment side
They told me they will invest for their logistic depending upon the
duration they going to stay. But before they want you give them the
details of doing this program I mean to say they want to know what is your
motive, what is the benifit form their side and your interest etc. The
two Name and email address I am giving to you , you please follow up on
the mail with them.
Little Star Shrestha and Manoj
Maharjan Email. littlestar@wlink.com.np
oooooh by the way it may
be good to know you that one guy Little Star he is a professional musician
since long. A musician Pop,Rock Classical and also a composer.
And Regarding the issue of three Biz people Ale Lama told me
they want to start the process for the May
Here is the Name and
passport Details of two Biz .People I don,t have details of third guy who
is related with thanka and as Ale told he has already send you the detail
of the guy. Below you will see details of two guies
Name : Mr.
Karki Badri Date of Birth: 26/12/1962 Citizen: Nepali Address:
Kristinachne Chour, 3 Kaski PP Isuued 18/08/2008 PP Vailid
17/08/2018 PP No. 4172408
Name : Mr. Thapa Rudra
Bahadur Date of Birth: 13/04/1972 Citizen: Nepali Address:
Kristinachne Chour, 5 Kaski PP Isuued 18/08/2008 PP Vailid
17/08/2018 PP No. 4172407
Rene I think they both had made PP
at same date hence there is only onle Number different . Both of them from
Rene see you
Hi Rene it is too late I know
but what can I do. People from Phokhara were not arriving to Ktm and as
usual Ale lama was in village. But yestereday I met two Boz people and got
the details.Please you check below. They told me that it is not yet fixed
or I mean to say they haven't got the conformation from the Exhibition
orgfanizer in Italy. They told me they have one local agent who is doing
the job and he is making delay. I told them if you countinue like this
then we cannot work and you will be obligate to pay our job, They said
they have not intention to cheat or something. They have conformed once
again regarding the payment that they have made. And Ale lama took the
responsibility for this. Ale lama will send you a conformation email
regarding the payment ossue and responsibility that he took.I told them
3000 EU as the cost of our job but I think they will not agree for the
amount and will ok with 2500EU. No matter isn't it my dear? Here is
bio-data of two applicant and I will send you another as I get ot
ok. Regarding CPN three days before I met the and told them what you
wrote me in email. I hope they will send you their conclusion.