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The Terma Foundation
Tradition holds that a terma
may be a physical object such as a text or a ritual implement that is
buried in the ground (or earth), hidden in a
rock or crystal, secreted in a herb, or a
tree, or hidden in a lake (or water), or
hidden in the sky (space). In short, the literal understanding of terma
is "hidden treasure". As sometimes these objects are hidden away,
the teachings associated should be understood as being 'concealed within
the mind of the guru ', that is, the true place of concealment is in the tertön's inner mindstream.
Accordingly, one can say that it is as much
concealed in the Terton own practice
evolvment. If the concealed or encoded teaching or object is a text, it is often
written in “dakini script”: a non-human type of
code or writing. As such ,
termas maybe
what they may be and in so many embodiment forms , that they are therefore not always
immediately apparent, cognicient or made
open to the hierarchy or public. The conditions may not be right;
the people may not yet be ready for
them; further instructions may need to be revealed to clarify their
meaning, the lineage itself may be in transmutation. Often also, the tertön himself has to
practice them indepth,
the tertön's inner mindstream, for many years..
In this way,
may see the tradition of terma and terton are analogous to that of inspiration and
providing a legitimate cultural forum to ensure continuation of tantric
tradition, and ensuring Tibetan Buddhism's and Bön's
continued relevancy in an evolving world. The Grail Quest is not
new Tulku may indeed be reborn
as per the needs of times. The terma tradition is
particularly prevalent in, and significant to, the Nyingma
lineage. Two of the most famous tertön in the
20th century, Jigdral Yeshe
Dorje (2nd Dudjom Rinpoche) and Dilgo Khyentse, were Nyingmapa. Tertön are also prevalent in Bön
and a few tertön have been Kagyupa.
They may obviously be more
Tertön Tulkus on their way down to Earth...
Padmasambhava and his principal consorts and disciples secreted
away and hid religious texts, ritual objects and relics etc., to secure
and protect Buddhism during the time of decline under Langdarma.
Some of these termas have been rediscovered and
special terma lineages established throughout
Tibet as a result. Out of this activity developed, especially within the Nyingma tradition, two ways of dharma transmission:
The so-called "long oral transmission" from teacher to student
in unbroken lineages and the "short transmission" of terma. The foremost revealers of these terma were the Five Terton
Kings and the Eight Lingpas. In the 19th
century some of the most famous were the Khenkong
Choksum referring to Jamyang
Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul and Orgyen Chokgyur Lingpa.
Terma have been relayed by nāga
and the dakini - of the underworld and the
heavens, respectively - and have also been hidden by teachers such as the
great translator Longchenpa.
Types of Terma according to the

Termas are of two main kinds: earth treasures and intention,
or mind, treasures. A teaching concealed as an intention treasure appears
directly within the mind of the tertön in the
form of sounds or letters to fulfil the enlightened intention of Padmakara. Earth treasures include not only texts,
but also sacred images, ritual instruments, and medicinal substances, and
are found in many places: temples, monuments, statues, mountains, rocks,
trees, lakes, and even the sky. In the case of texts, they are not, as
one might imagine, ordinary books that can be read straightaway.
Occasionally, full-length texts are found, but they are usually
fragmentary, sometimes consisting of only a word or two, and they are
encoded in symbolic script, which may change mysteriously and often
disappears completely once it has been transcribed. They are simply the
material supports that act as a trigger to help the tertön
reach the subtle level of mind where the teaching has really been
concealed. It is the tertön who actually
composes and writes down the resulting text, and so may be considered its
The earth-terma are physical objects —
which may be either an actual text, or physical objects that trigger a
recollection of the teaching. The mind-terma are constituted by space and are placed via
guru-transmission, or realizations achieved in meditation which connect
the practitioner directly with the essential content of the teaching in
one simultaneous experience. Once this has occurred, the tertön holds the complete teaching in mind and is
required by convention to transcribe the terma
twice from memory (if of textual nature) in one uninterrupted session.
The transcriptions are then compared and if no discrepancy or
inconsistency is evident, the terma is sealed
as authentic. The tertön is required to realise
the essence of the terma prior to formal
In one sense, all terma may be considered as mind-terma
as the teaching associated is always inserted in the mind of the
practitioner, in other words the terma is
always a direct mindstream transmission from
the vidyadhara. The terma
may also be held in the mindstream of the tertön and realised in a future incarnation at a
beneficent time. A vision of a syllable or symbol may leaven the
realisation of the latent terma in the mindstream of the tertön.
The process of hiding in the mindstream implies
that the practitioner is to gain realisation in that life. At the time of
terma concealment, a prophecy is generally made
concerning the circumstances in which the teaching will be re-accessed.
Especially in the case of an earth-terma, this
usually includes a description of locality, and may specify certain
ritual tools or objects which are required to be present, and the
identities of any assistants and consorts who are required to accompany
or assist the tertön.
Though somewhat
contentious, the kind of revealed teaching embodied in the terma system is based in solid Mahayana Buddhist
traditions. The example of Nagarjuna is often
cited; the Prajnaparamita teachings are
traditionally said to have been conferred on Nagarjuna
by the King of the nāgas, who had been
guarding them at the bottom of a lake. Similarly, the Six Treatises of Asanga are considered to have been conferred on him
by the Buddha Maitreya, whom he visited in Tushita heaven during a vision.
visions" are pure teachings received from the vision of deities and
are not necessarily terma as they do not
require mindstream transmission from a vidyadhara to the practitioner experiencing the pure
vision. The esoteric teachings resulting from pure vision are based on
the tantras and are sometimes attributed as terma due to their merit.

The parent
organization of the Termas Foundation is CAIRN Consortium Professional Doctorate School
International Foundation (1997-2015 EU-NGo), a high educational institution
(HEI) dedicated to promoting awareness in East/West Cultural Immersion
and therefore promoting, amongst other initiatives, the preservation of
True Terma' s heritage and lineages as may be found
nowadays in sacred powerplaces, both in the East and West, as per self-
arising experience...
Termas Cultural Immersion Research and
related Curriculum Development focus upon the Tigle and other Tsa-Rlung / Body of Light Practices, Guru Yoga, Arts & Healing, including the related comparative
structural and philosophical study of philosophies and hermeneutics there
In bringing the
teachings of authentic Termas (Nyingma) Tertons lineages
to the West, CAIRN realized that such Western research framework must
benefit from an experiential and intensive integrated approach
in a relevant practices and pedagogy context and in a way that explores
also the modern livestyles and the background Western mythological assumptions,
part of the
The CAIRN Modules
are the reflection of the currently attempted Shedras
system reform linked to Quantum Sciences, Psychology, Arts & Healing and modern HRD
curricula. Students will be immerged in high energy context to combine
the study of key commentaries on practices with the self-arising events
of higher consciousness embodiment. In this sense, both Music, Arts,
Healing and
Contemplation are merged within the related HRD management analytical skills.
In this way,
ideological and structural misconceptions may be revealed, studied and
clarity sharpened.
CAIRN (Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Noetic) is open to all who are interested in
deepening their study and practices of the Keltic
Mythology with Buddhism Tantras and other Body
of Light sacred Yogas practices.
RWL (c) September 2015

Membership Access
Termas Tulku Trashi
Palgye Singye Dorje
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Membership
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Honorary Membership
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Jazz/Rock Fusion Team
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Executive Board 2015
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Advisory and Honorary
Boards 2015
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Network Branches 2015
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Integrated
Traditional/Modern Curric R&D 2015

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