Become a Termas Foundation
Who is
eligible for membership?
Any contributor to the Termas Foundation
is eligible for membership.
Members of the Foundation receive
numerous benefits, including the right
to edit in our Blog, receive discounts
on Tours and Projects, Cultural
Immersion travel coaching, invitation to
conferences , exhibitions, retreats,
concerts and other events.
Renewing your
Membership in the Foundation lasts for
two years. You will be contacted to
renew your membership before it expires.
Renewal applications are not
automatically accepted.

Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Integrated
Traditional/Modern Curriculum R&D 2015
FORM (please cut&glue)
(*) mandatory
(*) Full
Name :
(*) Email
Address :
Address (if any?) :
Skype (if
any?) :
Nb :
Being a Termas Foundation member gives
you in several
benefits. Please, let us know
what Option you plan to adopt as a
Termas Foundation member.
list your past or recent contributions :
tell us whether you are a Dharma, Yoga,
Vajrayana, Keltic, Shamanism or gNakpa
Termas, Healing or Psychology
practicionner or have been practicing
some related skills something relevant
for the Foundation in the past
The Termas Foundation Membership Options
are :
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation R&D Team Membership : send
a free donation
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Honorary Membership : free
donation, min 50 Euros
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Jazz/Rock Fusion Team :
retreat event registration
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Executive Board 2015 :
only PhD academic experts
Cairn Termas
Foundation Advisory & Honorary
Boards : free donation , min 50 Euros
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Network Branches 2015 :
only selected NGOs
Cairn Consortium
Termas Foundation Integrated
Traditional/Modern Curric R&D : EXE
Termas Tulku Trashi
Palgye Singye Dorje : Networking granted to
all Members, as above