– Day 1 - Saturday Oct 04 - Arrival flight to Nice Airport (flexible arrival, depending on flights)
- Transfer to Hotel/Gite***, Rest and Welcome Dinner, including
detailed debriefing...

– Day 2- Sunday Oct 05 - First Tour in the
wonderful City of Nice, with a later minivan Riviera
sightseeing, including: Monaco, St- Jean Cap Ferrat 's Madonna.
This second Day will be ending at the Black Madonna
(Hospitalier') Chapel at St- Jean Cap Ferrat, where we
will perform the Quest Opening Ceremony, with a meditation
by the Dragon's Tail, and a first cleansing and opening of
Chakras, as well as a scanning of energy.
Mary Magdalene - Ste Beaume |
St- Victor Monastery - Marseille |
- Day 3 - Monday Oct 06 - Early
morning drive
from the city of Nice / Riviera to the
Ste Beaume
Mary Magdalene historical cave and nearby St Maximum
Basilica Magdalene
relics, then in the evening, after the pilgrimage, we will
drive further to the
South border of the Verdon Sacred Mandala, to
the “Hotel Bain”, situated in Comps
sur Artudy ,
which will be
our base-camp centrally located in the Verdon studied area.
- Day 4 - Tuesday
Oct 07 - Morning introduction to the selected sacred
sites and related practices, being chosen as per the
specificities of both the sacred site itself. The Verdon Mandala is a
25km wide area in itself. We will first do a visit of Comps
Chapels, then we will focus upon the Mandala West side practices and
do a detailed visit in and around Comps (Conis),
Trigance (Trigania) and further Valcros. Possible
introduction to the Tibetan
Monastery: Nyima Dzong.
Hotel Bain
- Comps sur Artuby |
St- Andre
- Comps Village |
Day 5 -Wednesday Oct 08 - Wesdnesday morning will be
the continuation, in a flexible manner, of yesterday's first introduction to the selected sacred
sites, so linking selective inputs to the Quest of the group
members. There will be further visits and meetings held in
Comps, St- Mayne, Rougon, Soleils, Valcros and possibly the
start of a programme of rituals or ceremonies in Nyima Dzong.
- Day 6 - Thursday
Oct 09:
Thursday morning drive from Comps to
the East side of the Mandala : Ste Anne, St Thyrs, St
Trophime. Possible trek to the
Valcros Keltic Solar Fortress (Droma, Camelot) and/or to St
Trophime Cave for prayers, meditation, energy scanning and
embodiment praxis, then possibly go
down to the Valcros Castle, and further promenade down to the
Paul Amoros Bakery for tea. On the way, we see La Doux, Blanchefort, and
possibly be back at Nyima Dzong Tibetan Monastery for the Guru Rimpoche (Thursday) evening
Practices at St Thyrs |
Valcros Droma -
Solar Fortress |
Day 7 - Friday
Oct 10 : indepth practices at Valcros (Aconcha) and Solar
Fortress, plus optional trek in/around Verdon Canyon and/or
Free Day in Castellane...
Possible drive to Castellane
(Salinas) old Roman/Keltic/Wisigoths Healing Waters, depending upon the length and
depth of practices being chosen by participants. It may also be
that the group or some individuals may want to remain in quiet
surrounding sacred sites already visited, in order to approach
praxis more indepth. This is fully flexible.
Day 8 - Saturday Oct 11 - Continuation of the Black Madonna , Mary Magdalene
and Grail legend pilgrimages sites.
Sunday morning, we will leave Comps for a visit
and stay in the beautiful city of Aix-en-Provence. Visit of the Early Christendom Black Madonna Crypt at the Abbaye
St Victor in Marseille. We will stay overnight at a selected
hotel(s)*** in Aix or at St Remy de Provence, nearby.


Day 9 - Sunday Oct 12
– Next morning drive to the Cathares region in the Aude Pyrennees,
going first through Carcassone and then arriving in the
evening at the old Alet Benedictine Abbaye (Nostradamus
house), thus begining accordingly our
intimate relations with the Cathares
Grail Quest, the related Troubadours Lore (Wolfram Von
Eschenbach <+>) and more recent Holy Blood / Holy Grail
Rennes-le-Chateau (Razes Wisigoths) .
Hotel Eveche - Alet sur Aude |
Cathares Fortress -
Montsegur |
Day 10- Monday
Oct 13 -
We will
start our Cathares Pilgrimage from the enchanting confines of the Hostellerie L' Evéche, in the old Abbaye of Alet, an
old Benedictin monastery being now a restored
Guesthouse*** (Gites de France) nested
along the river Aude , in the village where Nostradamus once
lived. Reflecting upon the river Aude and its
quiet surroundings, we will prepare our
meditation in the
ancient monasteries, ruins and castles, as a first historical
acquaintance with the Cathares spiritual
heritage and the remaining traces of the
Inquisition. We will then drive
and visit Rennes le Chateau and Rennes les Bains, the
renowned Wisigoth Treasure of the Abbe Boudet and the Ark
of Alliance stolen by Alaric during his sacking of Rome.
(Holy Blood / Holy Grail). Following
the path of the Troubadours, we will evoke the symbolic
joust and tournaments which
were celebrated in the romantic Puivert
castle. We will
also examine the Knights Templars traces at Bézu,
Rennes-le-Chateau, Blanchefort and surrounding

Not far away
from Couiza
lies a little village called Rennes-le-Chateau,
which has
became renown in recent years for its strange history and
magical mysteries. Occupied since the Neolithic ages , being at the same time an
ancient Gallic powerplace, the capital of the
Wisigoths tribe and Rhedae, the city of
Merovingian Kings, many suggest that it may still
hide today the Arch
of Alliance, somewhere in the surrounding
Razès. The Magdala tower, build by Béranger Saunière is said by several
Tibetan Lamas (Nyingma and Karguydpa, 1985) to
be one of the local
entry to the Celtic Annwn (the land of ancestors), or in
other names the Tibetan
/ Mongolian: Shambala.
Magdala Tower -
Rennes |
Transepts - Alet
Abbaye |
The Order of the Hospitalliers de St. Jean de Jerusalem (Lavaldieu) and the Knights Templars, both had several properties in the region, and the
intricated role they both played during two centuries of Roman Inquisition against the
Cathars will be discussed.
Another enigma being approached in
this study
are the megalithic Cairns, Dolmens and Menhirs standing
around Rennes-les-Bains, as described in the book of the
" abbé
Henri Boudet : La
Vraie Langue Celtique et le Cromlech de Rennes-les-Bains ", as
well as in other
areas being visited, such as the Dolmen of
Saint Michel de Grandmont, Dolmen des Fados, the Pic
de Bougarach, le
Fauteuil-du- Diable / Rennes-les-Bains and its surrounding rocks
and Cairns. Visit of
the hot springs (Roman Empire period)
Rennes-les-Bains may be included.
From Couiza and
Quillan, not far from Chateau Queribus, we will reach the ruins of
the Bézu. From there, on the left we can see the Pique de Levaldieu,
Rennes-le-Chateau and part of the natural Cromlech of
Rennes-les-Bains. The ruins of
the Chateau du Bezu (actually those of the Chateau Sermon d'Albedun)
lead to an ancient Celtic Altar, with a splendid view on the Pic de
Bugarach, Pique de Lavaldieu and surrounding Cathars Land.
A Seminar held
in Alet will focus on the history of the Cathars faith, the
controversial relations between Cathars, Templars and the
Inquisition Crusaders, as well as on the common roots it may have or
have had with the Celtic, Arianist (Wisigoth) and Dualistic faiths
(Bogomiles, Nestorians) during the early Christendom
period. We will discuss
the common archetypal roots which may be found alive and practices
in the Indo-European
Rig-Veda, Central European or Asian Shamanic Traditions, as
they were historically linked with the
Cathars and Knights Templars own dramatic history. This itinerary
will be escorted with experienced speakers and guides, most being
academically entitled to
provide a small group with phenomenological guidance and historical depth.
Montsegur - Grail
Montsalvat |
Asmodee, Gardian
the Arch of
Day 11 - Tuesday Oct 14 - Drive to Puivert, Montsegur, Foix ... (flexible
journey will include guided visit of the medieval cities of
Foix and Carcassonne, the Castles of
Arques, Peyrepertuse, Termes, Latour, Minerve
and Quéribus, as well
as other renown archeological and spiritual places in
the region Aude/Ariège,
Pyrennees. Evoquing
the dramatic history of Simon de Montfort 's Crusade
against the Cathares, we will discuss how
in more recent times the
Montségur Pog had become the symbol of a Solar Cult and the
Montsalvat of the Holy
Grail Quest.
Our references include a selected review of the Cathars and Knights Templars history in South of France, as well
as a narration of the
first century exile to South of France of Mary Magdalene, Joseph
of Arimathea (James)
and other apostles of Christ, who landed in Provence,
before moving to
Septimania , Brittany (Armoric), then to Glastonbury and
Wales. The myth
of Mary Magdalene and of Joseph of Arimathea (James) will
be studied in places such as
Rennes-le-Chateau, La Val Dieu (Center of Mary Magdalena
cult), les Ste Beaume, Saintes
Maries de la Mer and St Victor in Marseille (the ritual space at the
basilica of the golden
goddess, Notre Dame le la Garde and the Crypt of
the Abbey of St. Victor ).
French legends recorded in the 4th Century say that Mary Magdalene (along with
Lazarus and Martha) fled to the South of France (via Egypt) bearing "the
earthen vessel that held the blood of Christ." While legends
of the Holy Grail took on a life of their own centuries later,
merging with other legends, many believe that Mary Magdalene was herself the
earthen vessel bearing Christ's child, the sacred bloodline of David. This is said to be indeed
what many early Christians, including the Cathars, believed.
The Cult of the
Magdalene, forced underground, is linked to the Cult of the Black
Madonna, which thrived in France and elsewhere in Europe. There has
been much speculation as to the origin of the Madonna's blackness. One link is to Sarah "The Black
Queen," believed
to be the child of Mary Magdalene, brought out of
Egypt. The
town of Les-Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, in southern France, still
celebrates her festival. Other
links are scriptural, such as to the bride in the Song of
Songs: "I am black, but
comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem" (Song of Solomon 1:5, B,C
*), or to the deposed
Davidic princes of Jerusalem: "now their appearance is
blacker than soot,
they are unrecognized in the streets" (Lamentations 4:8,
One of Mary
Magdalene's most prominent shrines, at Chartres, centered around a
statue named "Our Lady
Under The Earth" . This also emphasizes her hidden aspect in the
South of France, where the Cult
of the Magdalen flourished until it was all but wiped out in the
Albigensian campaigns. St. Bernard of
Clairvaux, Founder of the Templars, was born at Fontaines on the
outskirts of Dijon, a place said to have had its own Black Virgin. He is
said to have received three drops of milk taken from the breast of the Black Virgin of Chatillon while
still a boy. He later went on to help the Templar order expand quickly and to preach the Second
Crusade - from Vezelay, a centre of the cult of the Magdalene and a Black Virgin
In Southern Provençal tradition, the Black Madonna is associated with St. Sara,
the patron saint of the Gypsies. She was said to be the black assistant
who accompanied the three Marys to France when they fled from the Holy Land after the
Crucifixion. In local gypsy
tradition, she is said to have been a gypsy (some say 'Egyptian')
woman who helped them to
land safely.
A cult of St. Sara persists today at Les Saintes Maries
de la Mer, one of the
earliest Magdalene sites in France. From the Abbaye of Alet
(Aude) to the Verdon, we will have accordingly been to most the Sacred
Altars of the Magdalene, being first week in Aix-en-Provence and Ste. Baume, where
Mary lived in retreat and
died. We will have prayed in the Grotto of St. Mary Magdalena and after a
picnic, we will go to the village where
the bones of St. Mary Magdalena are housed, and pray in the Basilica of St. Maxim. That will
have given us ample time to wonder and reflect during this
Grail Quest on the Wonders herein cited.
Limoux - Black Madonna |
The castle of Puilaure
This programme
will allow all participants to link their meditation and catharsis
with the striking natural beauty of the target-sites being
visited. Most of these
powerplaces have kept their outstanding spiritual attraction, the
strong cosmo-telluric energies and resurgence of some mythological
entities being amongst the reasons for their current
exceptional harmony and powers.
fortresses of Montségur, Quéribus and Peyrepertuse, surrounded
by the magnificent scenery
of the Land of Cathars, remain living testimonies of the beauty
and spiritual forces
of the Cathars Knowledge, Light and Love, against those of dark
violence and hatred. Slowly
climbing the steps leading to Montségur Pog (refuge), we will pay
Hommage to the Parfaits
and other Cathars who gave they lives to preserve their
Day 12 - Wednesday Oct 15
Drive back to Aix and Nice,
arrival in Nice late afternoon, free time. This
last day depends upon the participants flights connections
and departure from Nice...
Day 13 - Thursday Oct 16 - Free day in Nice.
Ceremony at St- Jean - Farewell Dinner ...
Day 14 - Friday Oct 17 -
Drive to Airport , departure from Nice and/or continuation
St- Jean - Black Madonna |
St- Victor - Black Madonna |

Day 15 - Oct 18
- Back to Verdon Mandala Valcros for 5 Days Practices
Retreat (flexible, idem)
Day 19 - Oct 22
- Drive back to Nice (idem)
Day 20 -
Oct 24 - Free day in Nice or Departure (idem)...

Trigance Village near the Verdon |