CAIRN Consortium (c) 1997-2022-  CAER ~ SIDI  TERMAS  EMBODIMENT  TOURS  MYTHS, MUSIC, HEALING & SCIENCE (c) Updated RWL:  2022 (c)

Caer~Sidi   Tours&Studies   Itineraries & Options  are all detailed at : 









Dev Lama @ DLC













Rojib Shahi @Space








































  " Welcome  to  the Island of Crystal (R) "    




The 2022-23 New Options



- The Hermeneutics of Vajrayana Ideology (Symbolic Capital) -

- Termas Experientials cum Mythology  (A Nyingma Approach) -

- Cross Cultural Counselling Immersion  (Gestalt Transpersonal) -

- The Multi Univers of Todays Nepal Music & Arts Therapy (3 Options) -



Nikita Pradhan Shrestha





The Multi Univers of Nepal Music and Arts Therapy


For those of us involved in music professional activities and / or in Yoga / Energo / Arts therapy or embodiment praxis . these last three years have been rather demanding ...

CAIRN Consortium therefore proposes here a selection of four re-energetisation cross cutural oriented modules for enabling professional musicians meeting, learning, studio recording as well as exploring healing remedials in arts and sound so as to regain the lost inspiration and expertise of our trades and destinies...



We are easily back to you on FB chat @

and/or @ :




About Us





Study Abroad

Contact Us  


Cairn Consortium Termas Foundation Integrated Traditional/Modern Curriculum R&D 2019




Caer~Sidi  Keltic (Dharma) Vajrayana Revival R&D

The Grail Lore Hidden Practices

Phoenix  Soul  Revival

Caer~Sidi  e- Counselling    (Phoenix Soul Revival)

Our cross-cultural individual counselling coaching&tours will allow you to review and digest the context, process and causes of imported Dharma traumas, this by  using various selected praxis, such as  the (Tibetan) transpersonal, energo- musicotherapy, and other tested structural and hermeneutic tools prevalent in these paradigms...

Since the early 1970s, some of the Western middle class have seen in the prospect of self-identifying with some of the imported Tibetan Dharma values, causes and practices the opportunity to get rid of their self perceived anonymity in their modern culture, while hoping to regain by such a shift of personality a better position in the feudal hierarchy and its mythology, thus somehow becoming (in their own eyes only) the spiritual elite that was sold to them...

Similar social and political wealth mobility had already happened several times for such target population in the early 20th century with the same people in various ideological movements proposing symbolic capital to those who had the means or aspirations to follow such path...

While in the coming years thereafter the merging of facts, experiences and diversity of training, sources or references, if not new paradigms (Quantum) led today to a possibly less naive consumers or group attitude, and while some these groups participants finally overcame the necessary obstacles they have met, other individuals unfortunately became and remained during years the initiators, preys or victims of such less ethical powers that be...

Caer~Sidi  Counselling  Team has  had on a daily basis 40+ years experience and professional praxis in the issue from social and counsellling activities in both Asia and Europe/UK/USA with such concerned target-groups ...

If you are amongst those feeling caught in such a rabbit hole, infighting between contradicting emotions, kabps, close group values etc, same as of those in cults structures and secret systems, we can help you find yourself a bit of fresh air, a broader picture with the help of ground facts and reality (ies) ...

It is upto yourself to decide to get free and to reach the common roots of the human soul and mythologies that may bring the healing, cleansing and understanding in the Peace & Light , given to you by birth

Very few Westerners ( in so-called Dharma) know the relations between imported Vajrayana and its roots within the Grail Magdalene and Keltic Lore , which has common ethical and archetypes embodiment backgrounds eager to be used ... Too bad , that is ...



We will be back to you on FB chat @

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RWL (c) January 2019 _ December 2022


Cairn Consortium Termas Foundation Integrated Traditional/Modern Curriculum R&D 2015


About Us

Dharma Traumas


Fees  / TOR  

How we work

Contact Us


Caer~Sidi Tours&Studies Itineraries & Options  are at :   






  " Welcome  to  the Island of Crystal (R) "    


About Us





Study Abroad

Contact Us

Worldwide Euro-Asian cross-cultural immersion journeys, small groups escorted initiation tours, Wellbeing retreats, Special English Foundation studies, Nepal, India, Bhutan, Tibet Himalayan pilgrimages, Termas Rejuvenation Coaching...







William  R. Leon (PhD)
Cairn  Webmaster©1997-2015


















Caer - Sidi  Menu

    About Us
    Keltic Dharma
    News & Events
  Tours & Studies Abroad
  Wellbeing Retreat in the Verdon
  Tibetan Folk Rock&Jazz Fusion
  Musico & Energo-therapy Retreat
  High Education Counselling Desk
  Orgyen Tenzin Gyaltsen (NGO)
 S-of-France Tours&Studies
  Parzifal (Perceval) Grail Quest
 The " Ysland of Crystal "  Quest
  Black Madonna Magdalene Tour
  Chod,  Dakinis  and  Protectors  
  Cathars  and  Troubadours  Lore
  Wellbeing  Rejuvenation Verdon
  The "Abraxas"  NoetiC  Tour  
  Paris & Normandy (France) History

  Wales Keltic Tours&Studies
  Keltic Wales Pembrokeshire Tour
  Arthurian Quest in Keltic Wales UK
  John & Julie Tour in Keltic Wales
  Gower Archaeological Tours Wales
  Keltic Shamans Tours in Wales UK
 Julie & John Shamanic Keltic Wales
 Serene Wellbeing Center in Wales
 Development INGO Internships UK

  Nepal, India & Tibet Tours

   Nepal, Tibet, India Pilgrimages


   Cultural Immersion in Nepal


   Cultural Immersion in India


   Cultural Immersion in Tibet (TAR)


   Boddha Stupa Retreat & Studies


   Kathmandu Valley Powerplaces


   Introduction to Tsa-rLung Yoga


   Introduction to Chod Rituals


   Tibetan Transpersonal Psychology


   Introduction to Tibetan Medicine


   Introduction to Buddhism&Science


   ShecheKaruna  Medical Center


    Kunphen  Tibetan  Medicine KTM

   Egypt Coptic Tours (HMJ)
   Egypt Coptic Archaeology Tour

    About  CAIRN  Consortium
    Professional Doctorate
    Postgraduate Options
    ESL English Special Learning
    Geopolitic European Studies
    Humanitarian  Volunteers
    Undergraduate Options
    Postgraduate Options
    CAIRN  (EU-NGO) Membership























































    Terms & Conditions (France)
    Terms & Conditions (UK/Wales)
    Terms & Conditions (Canada)
    Terms & Conditions (Nepal)
    Terms & Conditions (India)
    Terms & Conditions (Tibet/TAR)
   ESL Study Permit Application
    Prospective Students Biodata
    Study  Application  Forms

















Journeys with a theme



 Cults Trauma   Phoenix Therapy
more details here!
CAIRN  Professional Doctorate
more details here!
CAIRN   Alumni   Membership
You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!
 Body of  Light / Thogal / Tigle
You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!

 Spiritual Retreat in Verdon

07~14 days Retreat Options
more details here!

Cathares  Consolamentum & Light

You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!

Nestorian Mongols Golden Flower

You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!

 Keltic Dharma & Xstian Protectors 

You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!
ZOHAR (M deLEON) Body of Light
You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!


Prof. J. T. Zeberio Energotherapy

Introduction , Biblio & Study
Here a direct link with

J  T  Zeberio  Org  (Arg)

more details here!


 Templars  &  Magdalene  History
Tours & Studies
Here  a  direct link  with

Eridan   Astor   <+>

" Parzifal " (Perceval) Grail Quest

Keltic Trilogy Triptyc Two 14 Days
more details here!
Keltic  Wales Pembrokeshire  Tours
07~14 days Keltic Pilgrimage Wales
Prof  Ian  Clegg
more details here!

Cross-cultural Social Work Volunteer  
14~21 days local NGOs Internships
more details here!
Cathares and Troubadours Lore  
 14 days Cathares Country Journey
more details here!
Termas  Tulku  Retreat  NEW
CAIRN  Membership  area
14~21 days in Bodhnath & Pharping
more details here!
Shamans  Jazz&Rock  Fusion
 our online Demos aRe here !...
07 days Fusion Rock&Jazz Retreat
more details here!

Silk Shirts e-Boutique (all genders)

  (e~Boutique  1997 - 2019)

A Super Quality Handicraft directly to you from our Selection Partners in KTM Boddha Stupa (Nepal)
more details here!

Mind  &  Quantum Science

You are entering the

CAIRN   Membership   Area

more details here!
London UK- Escorted Tour Package
 Tailor-made  Sightseeing  & Study
more details here!


Worldwide Euro-Asian cross-cultural immersion journey, small groups escorted initiation tours, Wellbeing retreats, Special English Foundation studies, Nepal India Tibet Himalayan pilgrimages, Verdon Rejuvenation weekend breaks...


Travelling with
Caer ~ Sidi  Voyages, with a Team of over 30 years of experience in Euro-Asian Tours, opens the door to a World of Wonders, rich in history, mythology, insights healing embodiment practices and natural beauty. Our tours span the globe, following carefully devised itineraries by air, road, treks and rail that capture the true hermeneutic essence of your chosen destination. All our small groups are expertly guided by local specialists with the arrangements enhanced by exclusive excursions and special events and the pleasure of travelling with companions who share similar tastes, practices and interests.

Our cross-cultural and guided tours allow you to discover many delights including the Verdon Canyon, the Cathares Aude/Ariege region and Riviera in the South-of-France, some of worlds wonders, as well as our collection of Himalayan Pilgrimages tours&studies in Nepal, India and Tibet (TAR China), or our Foundation Studies and Traditional Arts cum Music Events in Canada, offering a unique blend of ancient and modern inspiration. With a comprehensive collection of travel arrangements from short breaks in European cities to escorted tours of up to three weeks’ to the furthest parts of the world we are sure you will find the ideal arrangement.





Valcros Oaks

St Thyrs



Visas Counselling Services Available  to  Nepalese Travellers!

We have been successfully providing an in-house visa counselling service, including preparation of files and interviews, for Nepalese, Tibetan and India clients to our featured destinations in EU, UK and Canada for over 30 years. We are delighted to offer this service with individuals travelling under our ToR arrangements.


Caer-Sidi 2016-17 Termas Tours&Studies Special Offers



Testimonies :        

                                  “This pilgrimage was both profound and extremely fun. Amid fantastic scenery we visited very simple places that touched the depths of my being and connected me to my past – my ancestors, my spirituality, my very soul in ways that led me into a future bright with promise. The call to  become body of light in ordinary every-day life is powerfully supported through this experience.” (F. W., Pasadena, CA, USA, participant in 2007 & 08)


Greetings my friend. Just a short note to say hello and I hope you are doing well. I was looking through old pictures the other day and realized it was 5 years ago last week that we made our first trip to France. It was such a magical and important trip for me. I want to thank you for all that you have done for me on the human and soul level. I also sent a note to Armand. Take care  " (R.W, CA, USA, participant in all previous Caer-Sidi' s Tours, mail on 04Nov, 2012



Cairn  Consortium    |     Professional  Doctorate  School   





Copyright©  and  Footnote(c)  : (RWL - 2019)


" Al Caps Del Set Cent Ans Verdegeo El Laurel ! "

Hommage to the Grail Lore Lineage of Master Kyot and
Templar Troubadour  Wolfram Von Eschenbach (XIIcentury)!


in close collaboration with  SXC/SXSSC and selected NGOs/Cies/HEIs in Ktm Np , as well as :  in Bhutan

This webpage is the new CAIRN (EU-NGO) CAER-SIDI  (portal) being designed for the academic year 2008-16. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its ICT-/ Multimedia elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration. 

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpages, or if you  have any problems loading Cairn Homepage with your browser, 
kindly contact us by email at our address : <>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Org / High Education and Training Provider, affiliated with 
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM/Nepal,  UWS/CDS (Swansea U. Wales / Center for Development Studies), 
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit at UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN), 
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs, 
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2004-16!

Copyright © 1997-2013 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -