Keltic vision of Dharma with people from
the Keltic Realms
Journeys to the Island of Crystal

14~21 Days
Pilgrimages to Keltic & Cathares Powerplaces in
with Dr. B. Raven Lee, Dr. William R. Leon
& Cairn experts team
October 10th to October 23rd, 2009

Valcros (5~7 days)
" Welcome
to Caer Sidi... !

Drawing on
both Celtic and Tibetan Shamanic Healing
practices, as well as modern Quantum
Psycho~Energotherapy, Dr. B. Raven Lee and
Dr. William R. Leon invite you to discover Caer Sidi, the sacred Keltic &
Templars Mandala in the Verdon area and its mirror
sites in the Cathares Aude regions. The next
pilgrimage will be organized in the South-of-France,
within a choice between the five major Options, listed
Sidi is a unique experiential program which
includes introduction to both Tibetan Tsa-rLung and Celtic Shamanic
Healing in
selected powerplaces and allows participants to find
their own Keys to
Transmutation, Rejuvenation and (Self~) Healing, through
the Body of Light practices...
Caer Sidi Itinerary is intended to re-awaken and develop a
synthesis of our latent roots shamanic
abilities. We will learn how to intentionally shift our state of consciousness,
link with Protectors and Holy Spirits, as well as how to get more awareness of
subtle non-ordinary reality, while opening and cleansing our Higher
will establish connections with Mary Magdalene, as well as
with other selected Keltic and Tibetan Sacred Helpers, Who will
facilitate personal and communal health and healing. The programme
will also be an opportunity to gather further knowledge in Central-Asian Common Ancestral Roots of Keltic and Tibetan Shamanic
Healing practices.
Dr. B. Raven Lee,
Dr. William R.
Leon and other experienced intervenors will guide the target-sites meditation and healing rituals.
Participants will concentrate on
the compassion emanated from fully enlightened protectors and principal emanations in the Verdon Sacred Mandala and the Cathares
Lore retreats.
The stream of transmission of the Compassionate
Healing energies will bring
the Third Eye (Ajna Chakra) and Compassion
(Heart Chakra) in resonance with
the Spiritual
Heritage of the target-sites visited.
This will
lead to Initiations
the form of "Spontaneous Arising
Light" (Tigle), Visions or other subtle
transmissions inherited from
the lineages,
protectors and guardians of these sacred sites.
spontaneous transmissions of teaching and revelations from Masters, Angels or
Fairies, have always been a foundational
aspect of spiritual awakening in both the Tibetan Body of Light (Tsa-rLung)
lineages and related Arts of Divination, Rejuvenation and Healing in the Grail Quest.
Through the
embodiment of the Keltic and Vajrayana Body of Light practices, we will pursue
the Never-Ending Human Grail Quest of Spiritual Development.

"Caer Sidi, The Island of Crystal "

Caer Sidi, The Fortress of the Fairies
is mentioned in the Book of Taliesin (Lewis Spence).
That Caer Sidi (Camelot) was the Seat of rituals and initiations for Healing and
Divination of an extraordinary vitality and importance to
the Celtic psyche is no new thesis . But that it can be
re-awakened today, simply through a comparative
experiential study of Grail
Lore and Himalayan Tantric Shamanism
is a testimony we want here to share with
One of the Island of Crystal, or Caer Sidi, is the Celtic, Cathares, and Knights Templar sacred
archaeological Mandala situated at the entry of the Gorges du
Verdon, some 150 km northwest of Nice, South-of-France.
It was
the seat of rituals and initiations for healing and divination
practices, which originated from the Black Sea (Wisigoths and
Scythes Central Europe) and the Asian Steppes (Kelts and
Huns), and continued into early Celtic-Roman times and later
Holy Grail Mary Magdalene Lore.
word Sidhe
(also spelled Sidi, Sidh, Sid, Sith ...)
may be regarded as the standard term
for "fairy"
in the Gaelic tongue of Scotland , Wales and Ireland. While
some reliable authorities further stress that Sithide
or Sithde is the genitive of Sithd, a female
fairy, Gaelic records Sidhe as also implying "hill"
or "mound". Mounds and hills often are both graves and
abodes of the elves.

Guardians of the Ark of Alliance - Comps
Caer Sidi(R)
: " the Itinerary... "

Caer Sidi
is usually of a
14 days duration, on the traces of the Healing
tradition of Mary Magdalene,
Wolfram Von Eschenbach Grail Lore and Tibetan Vajrayana in
the sacred sites
of Verdon
and Pyrennees, including pilgrimages to Montsegur, Puivert,
Alet, Limoux, St Maximum, Ste Beaume,
St Victor, les Stes Maries (Ratis) and other Sacred Black Madonna altars.
At the introduction level (First Tryptic), we will
visit and scan together the Verdon Mandala target-sites
and will focus upon the historical heritage for the envisioned
synthesis of the Tsa-rLung, Yogas and Keltic Archetypal Healing practices.
It will include numerous references
to the Grail and Keltic Christendom Lore Mythology giving Keys
for the practices (Wolfram Von Eschenbach) in relation with the
current Tibetan Tsa-rLung Five Elements
(Body of Light) teachings from Khyentse Rimpoche, Dudjom Rimpoche, Tarab
Tulku Rimpoche, Tenzin Namdak, Namkhai Norbu, Tenzin Wangyal Rimpoche
and John M. Reynolds, amongst others, this always
bearing in mind the
hermeneutics needed for a synthesis of
Roots Shamanic Healing practices.
We will drive in
mini-bus and then trek to several megalithic artefacts,
ruins, fortress, altars or chapels, following the ancient
pilgrimage traces for a renewed Grail
will include further discovery and study of the Mary Magdalene
Grail Lore history, its relations with the early Pagan
and Keltic Christendom altars, as well as with later Irish Culdean monks migration
into the Benedictins,
Cistercians and Templars, as they are found
situated in several South of France regions, such as the Aude, Ariege, Provence and Verdon.
We will drive or trek to some of the higher ranges Templars chapels, Keltic and
Roman strongholds, as well as sites not reviewed during
previous Verdon Tours&Study (2007-08).
study and experientials related to the Grail Lore and to
Mary Magdalene will include renewed pilgrimages to
St- Trophime, Valcros Solar Fortress, as well as
possibly a Music Sacred Arts & Rituals retreat at
Chateau de Valcros itself.
We will
undertake some further meditation and prayers at St- Thyrs, Ste Anne,
Ste Maries de la Mer, Ste Baume and at the St Jean Black
Madonna, as well as visit the St-
Victor Monastery Black Madonna, St- Maximin and St- Remy (Nostradamus).
Magdalene Pilgrimage can be a special Option focusing on
Mary Magdalene South of France Grail Lore, including the Three Maries
and Sarah (Kali) pilgrimage at Ste Marie de la Mer, the Ste Baume
cave and other various Black Madona(s)
altars and scriptures found within the Troubadors, Kabbala and Free-Massons
heritages. This renewed itinerary basically follows the
same path as the previous Tours&Studies pursued in October 2008 in the Verdon,
Ariege and Aude regions, while being more focused upon
divulging the relations between Magdalene practices, symbolism, rituals,
history and powerplaces...
Cathares & Templars programme is basically the same
Itinerary as that pursued in October 2008 in the Verdon,
Ariege, Aude and Riviera regions, now further focused
upon the Cathares and Templars history and powerplaces
October 10th to
October 23rd, 2009
CAER~SIDI Detailed Itinerary 2009

this itinerary includes Dr. Barbara Raven Lee's personal
suggestions & comments for 2009...
Saturday 10 - Welcome at Arrival Nice airport from USA
flights. Transfers by taxis and check-in at Hotel Le Royal
(Promenade des Anglais, Nice), rest, then short walk
around the Promenades des Anglais, before our Welcome
evening dinner, with Q&A on all options to each one and the group.
Sunday 11 - Morning walking tour of the wonderful old city of Nice.
Lunch near the Chateau at one Nice old Port and afternoon
minivan Sightseeing of the Riviera, including options being Eze, Monaco, Menton, Baulieu... Later drive to the St Jean
Cap Ferrat Black Madonna and Hospitalliers Chapel for the
Raven Quest opening
Monday 12 - Starts early with a meditation and group
exercise, followed with a minivan drive to
the Magdalene Grotto at Ste Baume, noon picnic lunch at
the St Maximin Basilique, where sacred remains of Mary
Magdalene are kept.
Afternoon drive to the Pierre de la Fee (Draguignan) and
late afternoon arrival in Comps sur Artuby (south entry of
Mandala), check-in at Hotel Bain and superb evening
dinner at the hotel (Comps:
Tuesday 13 - Morning meditation at old village church in
Comps. Drive to the Valcros Chateau. Personal introduction to
Aconcha and Marc (Sacred Arts Musicians and Guardians
living in Valcros) as well as to Mme Marcolla (owner of
the chateau). First exploration and explanation on the known
history of Valcros Chateau area, including the
so-called Keltic Solar Fortress and its significance at
the center of the Verdon Mandala. Lunch at Paul Amoros
Boulangerie de Soleil and afternoon drive to the chateau and village of Trigance,
the Templars Commanderie de St- Mayme, Verdon Canyon Point
Sublime, Lac de Ste Croix, Moustiers Ste Marie and other
west-side of Mandala interesting sites. On the way back,
drive to Hotel Bain in Comps for those who stay there...
Wednesday 14 - Morning meditation followed with an
introduction to the Verdon Mandala North side Chapels and Templars,
including Castellane chapel, as well as other
altars and lake sites situated at the north of the Mandala,
such as Chasteuils, St- Jean, Eoulx, Taloire, Palud sur
Verdon, St Etienne and other access. (requiring treks).
Explanations on the Grail Troubadours Lore (Seven Seals),
as well as on the lineages and historical relations
between Mary Magdalene, Sarah, the Cistercians, the
Templars, Cathares and Tibetans...
Day6: Thursday 15 - Morning meditation followed by a minivan
drive to Valcros. Once there, Aconcha Shamanic purification ceremony and trek
of the group to the Solar Fortress of Valcros for rituals
there. Noon picnic in situ. In the afternoon, further
practices and introduction to Aconcha & Marc Sacred Arts,
as well as preparations for the next days rituals
envisioned at St. Thyrs and St Trophisme. Depending upon
the possible arrival of a French group arrival (early, mid
or late afternoon), late afternoon drive to Hotel Bain
Comps for those who stay there, including the members of
the French group... (this day organisation will remain
most open and flexible...)
Day7: Friday 16 - Morning meditation followed with drive to Ste Anne, St Thyrs
and the Robion area. Trek to the cave of St Trophisme (3-4
hours). Picnic lunch in situ and group exercice working
with the Elements, Spirits and Sacred Feminine. End of afternoon, return
drive to Valcros and Comps.
Day8: Saturday 17 - Morning meditation The day will be
devoted to group exercises on the sacred land, hike and Working with
Elements . Approach of the transformation of consciousness
with Alchemical practices.
Day9: Sunday 18 - Morning meditation followed with drive to Valcros for Sacred Arts Shamanic Chanting Rituals, and/or
retrieval of fragmented/lost essences. Closing ceremony
for the envisioned Healing group.
In the evening, the French group ends its participation...
Monday 19 - Morning meditation and drive (optional, for those
who want it...) to the Verdon Canyon Western side,
to the Lac de Ste Croix, for kayak or peddle boats, as well as
for further visit of the wonderful sites at Moustiers
Ste Marie,
Rougon and Castellane related areas... This is a flexible buffer~day, during which some
indepth studies of selected power- sites, reflection,
self-exploration, time for contemplation, catharsis or
journal remains open, including visits of sites not yet done. Check-out
of Valcros for those who stayed there and drive to Comps
for one more night, and the next morning early departure
to Marseilles...
Tuesday 20 -
Early morning drive
to the Marseilles Abbaye St- Victor, visit pilgrimage to
the Black Madonna, short break then drive to the Ste Maries
(13H00) and lunch there.... Stay in Ste Maries upto late afternoon, then drive to the Logis
de France near Le Grau
du Roy, where we will stay 1 night in a superb
Day12: Wednesday 21 - Drive to St Remy (Nostradamus) for the
whole day. Then, late afternoon drive back to the Hotel
Royal and
evening dinner in Nice...
Thursday 22 - Free day in Nice. End afternoon Closing Ritual at St- Jean
Cap Ferrat Black Madonna (Dragon's tail...) and Farewell
dinner in Nice. Possibility of a Chod Rituals Concert with
Musicians and Lamas invited...
Friday 23 - Depart Nice back to USA, (further Retreat
Option at Valcros?...)
Day15: Saturday 24 - (end of Tour: conference, concert and
other flexible Options...)
5~7 DAYS RETREAT: Caer Sidi, Seven

to a Valcros Retreat : Practices in " Music, Sacred Arts &
Therapy ", including Shamanic Healing and Divination
Rituals (ie: chants, prayers,
meditation, cleansing and rejuvenation practices: in
sacred sites, such as St Trophisme, or the Valcros Solar Fortress.
Further details are provided upon request, the final
details of such a program being entirely based upon the
agenda of the participants (flexible)...

Registration Caer Sidi 2009
(min. 60
days in advance)

- Without Airfare:
Valcros Caer Sidi 14 Days (Chateau de Valcros) :
- Caer Sidi 14 Days (Option Hotel
Bain in Comps) : 3,400
Valcros Caer Sidi Retreat (5~7 Days Valcros) :
Deposits for Reservation
(Planning 2009)
& Registration
2009 Deposits comprise both a Reservation
Guarantee for experts planning purposes and a
Registration (Inscription ), per se, namely of Euros: 100 plus 400,
for total Deposit = 500/ , as hereunder :
Deposit for Reservation
2009 (as soon as possible...):
100 Euros - (*)
Deposit for Inscription (min 6 months in advance): 400 Euros -
(*) -
This research program requires long-term booking &
expert resource-persons
(**) -
Deposits are of course fully included in total price, above.
With thanks...
Deposits may
be transferred in one or two instalments, as per
It is duly expected that
participants to CAER SIDI 14 Days Study&Tour, and following
Retreat Option, may have accordingly different transport schedules and/or may
request for more personalized lodging conditions. We want to emphasize that this
programme is fully flexible and remains based upon each person
resources, needs or requirements. All issues will be fully answered to during
the Registration process, on a person to person basis.
Fees Include
- Full Room & Board in Hotel/Guesthouse (***) and/or in
Retreat Center Valcros (**). Lodging is on basis of twin rooms and
full board scheme, during 14 or 21 days, as per the Option chosen
(double occupancy / full meal dinner 1Xday evening,
continental breakfast, plus picnic lunch at noon during
drives/treks). Single supplement: Euros 50 per each
day of individual room occupancy.
- All minivan transportation in/around the Verdon and Aude
Keltic/Templars powerplaces, incl. sightseeing Nice/Riviera,
as well as for most logistics.
- Prices also include all meetings, seminars and retreat,
and introduction guidance to the Tsa-rLung and Shamanic
Sacred Arts Practices.
_Fees Do Not Include
- Fees for your European (Schengen) Visa
- Loss of or damage to Luggage/Personal Property.
- Travel and Medical Insurance expenses
- Loss of personal items, passports, etc…
- Any transportation or lodging costs being due after the
client’s 14 or 21days chosen option complete duration
- Other meals other than those provided in the above
stated Agenda &
Terms of References
Size This Customized Field-study tours is
organized for a group of minimum 5 persons (pax), or more at no extra cost in
Verdon Canyon Gites/Hotel/GH, Valcros and Nice Hotel (***).
Local transportation to/from airport & around areas is included, using upto 8 passenger mini-vans/cars;
as well as local guides and seminar
teachings as quoted above.
Discount conditions extended only to
relevant cases being researchers, scholars, Dharma
practitioners and continuing education courses and does not include approval on
all of the tour
costs arrangements, to be discussed on a case basis. However CAIRN
are open to everyone!
Deposit and
I. Price of Tour:
Send deposits (Reservation + Inscription) of Euros: 100 plus 400 = 500/ The Euros: 500 deposit is
to be made namely to R W Leon / CAIRN CEO at a Swift Code Bank
Numbers or by Western Union Money Transfer at the address in
Nepal, UK or EU, which will be
provided to you at the time of your registration. In case of early
deposit, would RWL still be in either UK, Nepal, India or
Tibet TAR China (-re: where Euros cash foreign currency exchange are
unattainable, as per local regulations), the allocation is
to be made using " WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER " simple
modalities. Related receipt and registration documents will
immediately be provided to you.
Price is same whether
transfer is made by check, Western Union, Swift Code or
credit card.
Deposit &
Payments Euros : 500 deposit secures your space. 1/2 of balance of payment due by 60
days before tour.
Remaining 1/2 of balance (full payment) due by 30 days before tour. Total
Euros: 50 late payment fee added if
payments not made by due dates (Euros: 50 for payment not
Cancellation &
Refund is minus Euros: 100
fee to be made if cancellation is emailed/postmarked
by 30 days prior to departure. If
cancellation postmarked between 30-15 days prior to departure Euros
: 200 is
non-refundable. If cancellation postmarked between 15-03 days prior to departure,
Euros: 300
is non-refundable.
If cancellation
emailed/postmarked under three (3) days from departure there is no
Insurance We strongly recommend travel and
health insurance, which enables you to recover all deposits if you need to cancel
the trip due to illness or death. Please contact
us if you want details on this
insurance. No partial refunds will be given under
circumstances for
unused hotel rooms, meals, or sightseeing trips.
Remark The number of
places is limited and is offered on a first come first serve
basis. Reservations must
be made, complete with payment, by deadline given on registration

Consortium (EU-NGO)

CAIRN Consortium
is a cultural immersion and
communication gateway for traditional healing practitioners
experiential training, development studies academic research,
and postgraduate and doctorate student exchange, based in KTM
CAIRN is particularly proud of its 20
years daily experience with Nepalese, Indian and Tibetan NGOs,
its reputed academic collaboration in Asia, Europe USA and
Canada, as well as of the quality of its Supervision Board,
Research Consultants and integrated Cultural Immersion &
online learning infrastructure.
It offers selected online courses and
field-research resources focused on the Himalayan region
current development priorities, as well as specializes into
curriculum development in selected research niches,
through practical and theoretical knowledge in building :
Applied Psychology to Counselling, HRD/HRM Capacity Building,
Humanitarian Intervention, Clinical Anthropology, Prospective
Health Anthropology and Tibetan Traditional Healing
is offered without discrimination. Our services operate
according to the EU, UK and Canada Code of Ethics for those
advising international students. Our International Student
Advisory Service meets the strict rules and standards of the
Immigration Services of Canada, USA, the UK, Belgium and EU
Official Visa Sections (Consulates or Embassies) in
CAIRN operates as
a confidential Education
Service for
professional and
personal project oriented coaching to any prospective student
or trainee, from the start of your
project’s first Biodata
its final implementation. This serves the general purpose of
both clearing the academic accreditation file and provide
Students advisory board
screening information to applicants,
including on the difficult issues such as visas, file
and e-learning support options.
Services (EU-NGO) is
a personalized
projects academic exchange program, with cultural immersion
options, e-learning and communication gateway for Asian and
Western postgraduate researchers and professional continuous
education trainees (mature students). It offers an open menu
of options of selected online courses and field-research
resources, focused on the one side on Asian LDCs development
priorities. Cairn Academic
Coaching is
offered one-on-one by appointment only. Cairn
Euro-Asian Network increases opportunities for internships,
field-research and online studies within an international
dimension and selected international experts. Caer Sidi is a personalized
development research program only and is always offered
one-on-one by appointment.