Updated: Dec 15, 2008 (Upgraded Feb25, 2009)




Raven Quest


Keltic Dharma


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Cairn ~ Consortium 
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     " Welcome  to  Caer  Sidi... ! "




Multimedia,  Contacts   &   Support   Homepage





Welcome to Caer~Sidi !

Call us for  Tsa~rLung Counselling  and  Life Coaching, or any issues related to information, guidance or our academic research into the joint~ Keltic & Tibetan Shamanic Roots, the related Spiritual Quest and next Caer~Sidi  Pilgrimage(s) in  S~France, UK, Tibet and Nepal...

Hereunder, you will find how to reach us at our Regional Desks in S-France, UK-, Belgium, Italy, USA, Canada, Nepal, India and/or Tibet, in order to gather precise information from our local partners about our Cultural Immersion Options, in situ, and how to get to us directly with video-cam/email individual coaching system. This network is being maintained following precise schedules and responsibilities  with selected EU-NGOS, EU-/UK- academic units, consultants and social/health practitioners in the EU, UK, Canada, USA, Nepal, Tibet TAR China and India...

Cairn e~Coaching (Online) is a personalized program and offered one-on-one by appointment.

CAIRN offers a rigorous but flexible program of experiential cultural immersion study options, grounded on a tested methodology of Adult Continuous Education e-Learning resources, integrated with field work in Health Anthropology, Humanitarian Assistance, Applied Psychology to Counselling, Tsa-rLung yoga and Tibetan Medicine Energo-therapy. Based on the comparative approach of the Tibetan Nyingma and Keltic traditions, it is further enriched with studies and practices from other faiths, practices and philosophies, such as the Qi Qong, Tao, Zeberio, Pranayama and Shamanic healing traditions, as well as with Quantum science, HRD and organization leadership training methods.

All programmes follow levels of stepwise knowledge and embodiment coursework, designed to develop a fully qualified practice in ethical organizational leadership, healing and/or counselling. The levels correspond to usual Postgraduate and Professional Doctorate levels study. Serious students who don't want to complete the whole curriculum, or pilgrims and people non interested in any certification, per se, are also most welcome to participate...




















    Contact  Us
    CAIRN  Membership
    Magdalene  &  Dakinis
    Keltic Powerplaces  (Tibetans)
    Abraxas  (Alchemistry)
    Geopolitic European Studies
    Diplomatic & Comm- Skills
    Programmation 2009
    About  CAIRN  Consortium
    Professional Doctorate
    Postgraduate Options
    Aconcha & Marc (Sacred Arts)
    Grail Troubadours Lore
    ISI/CNV   ( Dr. Marco Paret )
    CETRI  ( Prof. Fr. Houtart )
    Ambilac (HMJ)
    Prof. Chanoine Fr. Houtart
    Prof. M. Singleton (UCL/LAAP)
    Dr. Barbara Raven Lee
    Dr. Ian Clegg  (Development)
    Dr. Marco Paret   (ISI/CNV)
    Euro-Asian Network
    Kunphen  Tibetan  Medicine  
    Tibetan Medicine Training
    Tibetan Psychology Training
    Cultural Immersion (Nepal)
    Terms & Conditions (Nepal)
    Nepal, Tibet, India Pilgrimages
    Dakinis Pilgrimages
    Shamanic Sacred Chants
    Tsa-rLung  Energotherapy
    Healing  and  Rejuvenation
    Counselling   Center
    Bauddha  Strategic  Site
    Humanitarian  Volunteers
    International  Asian  Students
    European  Studies  Online
    Undergraduate Options
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    Prospective Students (Visa)
    Study  Application  Forms
    Orgyen Tenzin Gyaltsen























































St Andre

 Nyima Dzong Stupa (Soleil)


St- Thyrs - Robion


St Thyrs - Robion


St Thyrs - Altar
























RWL - Valcros Fortress














William  R. Leon 
Cairn  Webmaster©2001-09






CAIRN Consortium

Executive  &  Advisory  Board(s)

Communication  &  Support

 Multimedia  Ressources







USA  Regional  Desk

 Dr. B. Raven Lee (Caer Sidi USA)


The Centre for Integrative Healing, Pasadena, CA.


Dr.  Barbara  Raven  Lee

The founder of " Integrative Wisdom Path " in USA, Dr. B. Raven Lee is a transpersonal-Jungian psychotherapist, meditation instructor, Reiki Master/teacher, and a diplomat in clinical hypnotherapy.

She has been integrating Buddhist practices, dream work, and shamanic healing with western psychology and interpersonal neurobiology in her private practice in Pasadena, CA. She also utilizes alternative modalities such as EMDR [Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing], Energy Psychology, Breathwork and meditation in the treatment of trauma, depression, anxiety and mind-body issues.  more on Raven...




France/Italy  Regional  Desk

 Dr. Marco Paret  Caer Sidi (Fr/It)



Please contact  Dr. Marco Paret at :




Skype address at : isicnv




Dr.  Marco  Paret

Based in S-France, Italy and UK, Dr. Marco Paret is the founder/director of the ISI-CNV International Institute for NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Hypnosis, NCV (Non Verbal Communication), Leadership and Coaching and Mesmerism in NICE (France) and is regularly involved all over in Europe. He is also a NLP Master Trainer. He has an indepth knowledge of hypnotic techniques and has written (author) several books on these subjects, in English, Italian and Spanish.

Dr. Paret also applies with success several ancient healing methodologies to which he was personally initiated.  He teaches these under the label "mesmerismus", as the name  "mesmerism" is to often used as similar to  "hypnosis". Mesmerism is completely different from modern hypnosis. In fact, Mesmerism is the Western school corresponding to the use of Prana or Chi in Orient. more on Dr. Paret






Nepal  International  Desk (CEO)

 Dr. William R. Leon  (CAIRN CEO)

Cairn Consortium (EU-NGO)

EU/Nepal Education Counselling Center
affiliated with St- Xavier's College (SXC)
and St- Xavier's Social Services Center (SXSSC) in Kathmandu / Nepal

contact address at:

(YAHOO: william.rene@ymail.com)
SKYPE: william.rene.leon




(*): CAIRN Consortium is a EU-NGO based in KTM Nepal, with regional branches in UK, France, Belgium, Canada and USA.






What's New?





































Dr.  William  Rene  LEON

Dr. William R. Leon  is the founder (CEO) of "Caer ~ Sidi" and  CAIRN  Consortium (*) related programmes organized in Nepal, India, Tibet TAR China, Wales UK-, USA, Belgium and the South-of-France.

First trained in Applied Psychology to Counselling with Option : Musicotherapy (B.A, M.Sc), then in Politique Economique et Sociale (M.Sc. FOPES) at the UCL/LLN and ULB/EEB during the years : 1977-88, William Rene Leon then continued in Transpersonal Psychology at  Mons U (Dierkens) and in Health Anthropology (Thesis), from the year 1985 onwards with several specializations in Euro-Asia Cross-cultural Immersion Coaching, Tibetan Transpersonal Psychology with Tarab Tulku ATB and other European academic units, involved in Geopolitical  Analysis and Drug~Abuse Intervention R&D Curriculum Development (SXC/SXSC : 1988-93).

His professional experience in Asia has now  reached more than 25 years of daily involvements with local Nepalese NGOs, HEIs and SMEs in the Tibetan community strategic site of Bauddha Stupa, KTM, this within more than 35 years relationship with the so-called Western Dharma and its various issues...

Acting only from an  academic perspective linked to Nepal NGOs research & development priorities, the main intervention sectors have been in Drug~Abuse Treatment & Counselling, (1988-97) Stepwise Ethnographic Approach ti Drug-Users Qualitative Epidemiology (WHO CRS), Tibetan Medicine (1995 onwards), Crisis Prevention, Musicotherapy, Energotherapy, Health Anthropology, and related Tibetan Psycho-energotherapy Tsa-rLung curriculum development, etc... 

Starting in the late 60s as a Rock Musician and Yogi (Kundalini, Yogi Bajan), William R LEON (while creating the first Macrobiotic Resto : the Shanti, in Bruxelles),  soon tried to develop a synthesis of embodiment, enlightment and rejuvenation technics, which would use the Body of Light Tsa-rLung (Tigle) of the Nyingma Tibetan Tradition, united with  the European collective un-conciousness ressources and old Christendom protectors embodiment (ie: Consolamentum), as found in the Keltic Grail Lore, Cathares, Templars and other Troubadours Quest Testimonies of the Grail Quest and Gnostic Alchemy (Wolfram Von Eschenbach).

Since the early 70s, these research premises were - and still are - based upon a reality check of what is precisely working for the Tibetan yogis masters installed (period 1970s-80s) in several now re-awakened Keltic Powerplaces, such as the Verdon/S-France and Scotland, which issue may deserved a little bit more scrutiny...

Further  deriving scientific and experiential insights from the works of Theilhard de Chardin, Prof. J. Dierkens, Prof.. J. T. Zeberio (Energo-Anthropoly), as well as from  Tarab Tulku revolutionary approach towards Tibetan System of Governance and Practices (Sarnath 1988: Writings of Samdong Rpch, HHDL, Tarab and Namkhai Norbu), William R Leon compared such theories, with the actual fruits gained from each particular lineages, in the biographical context of their implementation.

As such, RWL present research priorities and main concerns are threefold which focus upon: (a) - the current risk of fragmentation of Nepal strategic region into ethnic-religious based feuding entities leading to a possible major international conflict, (b)- the current use for their magical geo-political agendas (use of geomancy and hermeneutic tools) of several Keltic powerplaces by some Tibetan sectarian lineage, (c) - the complete lack of awareness of most Western media, diplomacy or people about the current use of such hermeneutic tools in international relations and mass-media symbolic mind control (ref- Ahnenerbe)... 

Accordingly, William' s work has always been with a vision far ahead of daily material contingencies found in related Tibetan Dharma Centers, but nonetheless often verified in situ, during several enfolding Karmic occasions... 

His main Tibetan Master/Teachers were the late Tantric Yogi Civa-Ji (Benaras 1970), his friend Kunsang (NDZG 1971 onwards), the late Tarab Tulku Rimpoche (BRU 1980 onwards), the late H.H. Dilgo Khyentse (KTM 1988), and presently keeps these lineages embodiments alive with other Lamas, Amchis or gNakpas, all friends duly in charge of Tibetan Centers or Clinics, in Nepal/India and Tibet TAR China, such as: Namgyel Rpch, Tashe Pedon, Amchi Kunsang, Lama Evam, Lama Tony Duff, John Reynolds, Keith Dowman and several others...

As matters of Wang/Lung lineages initiations and  embodiment processes, RWL believes more in the natural enfolding of Grace  (Egregore synchronicity and osmosis), same as in the Termas/Tertons natural capacity of  self arising knowledge treasures from Dakinis, than in the theocratic hierarchy, per se...

Acting, since 1997, as CAIRN CEO and International Coordinator based in Bauddha Stupa KTM Nepal, he continues to  promote more awareness at the academic level about the Tibetan current Geopolitical issues based on grass-roots realities, as well as on the comparison of Tibetan Tsa-rLung Traditional Healing practices within earlier Keltic and Gnosis schools. He also is deeply involved in saving the S-France Verdon Caer Sidi Sacred Mandala Heritage, with appropriate means, since the early 1970s...   RWL(c)2009


Valcros ~ S-France

 Marc & Aconcha (Valcros/S-FR)







Aconcha, artiste peintre, née ŕ Havana Cuba, est influencée par le monde magique des Orishas, divinités du panthéon Yorouba. Elle s'inscrit dans la mouvance de l'art primitif contemporain... more


UCL / LAAP ~ Belgium

 Prof. Mike Singleton (UCL/LAAP)
Prof. Michaël Singleton,
Laboratoire d'Anthropologie prospective et Département SPED
President UCL/LAAP
Université catholique de Louvain

publications, please click here!




 Prof. Fr. Houtart (UCL CETRI)



Secrétariat & documentation

Avenue Ste Gertrude 5
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Tel. 00 32 (0) 10 / 48 95 66
Fax 00 32 (0) 10 / 48 95 69










François Houtart (Brussels, 1925) is a Belgian sociologist and catholic priest.

He studied philosophy and theology at the seminary of Mechelen (Belgium) and became a priest in 1949. He earned a masters degree in political and social sciences at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). He earned a degree at the International Superior Institute of Urbanism (Brussels, Belgium). He earned a PhD in sociology from the Catholic University of Leuven UCL. His doctoral thesis was based on sociology of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and he was a professor at UCL (there) from 1958 till 1990. He is an author and co-author of numerous publications on socio-religious matters. He served as the chief editor of the International Journal of Sociology of Religion, "Social Compass" for forty years(1960-1999). He also has adviced international catholic journalConcilium which was founded at the Nijmegen University, on the issues of sociology of religion.

He participated as a peritus expert in the sessions of Vatican II (1962-1965) playing a key role in the formation of the introduction of the Gaudium et Spes. Houtart,over the years, has developed a dialectical approach to study religions in the world.

Today he serves as an advisor to CETRI (Centre Tricontinental) a Belgian non-governmental organization which he founded in 1976. Objective of CETRI is to promote dialogue and corporation between third world social movements and social forces plus encourage resistance and action. Houtart is one of the most active members of the World Social Forum. Today he is very much active in the Globalisation and Ethics discourse.

In the context of the global financial crisis in 2008, Houtart has been invited by the UN to address the issues of globalisation of capital in October 2008 by the president of the UN in New York.  more  on  CETRI


details in March 2009

 Prof. Ian Clegg (USW/CDS)




Dr Ian Clegg

Development theory, power and politics, human rights and social policy, crime and justice systems, children - Algeria, Solomon Islands, Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Jordan



details in March 2009

 Prof. Howard M.J  (USW/DACE)
... more



details in March 2009

 Dr. Julie Switaj & John (Canada)
... more


 Fr. W. B. Robins SJ (SXC/SXSSC)
... more


 Prof. R.P. Gartoulla (NIHS)
 Amchi Jampa (Kailash)



Tibetan Medicine Desk

 Amchi Tashe Pedon (Kunphen)

Contact person :

Dr. Tashi Pedon

KUNPHEN Tibetan Medical Center

16/31 Kunphen Marg, Chhetrapati

GPO BOX: 3428 - Kathmandu - Nepal

Tel: 00- 977- 1-  4251 920

Fax: 00- 977- 1- 4259 664

Email(s) :













Dr. Kunsang and Dr. Tashi Pedon giving some consultation, during a Tibetan Medicine lecture in St- Barbara (CA, USA, 1999)






Dr. Kunsang Dorje, the brother of Dr. Tashi Pedon, at Kunphen KTM Np.





Kunphen Tibetan Medicine Center KTM Prescription Counter

  Kunphen  Tibetan Medical Center  KTM


Dr. Tashi Pedon

Dr. Tashi Pedon comes from a long line of Tibetan physicians. Both her father and mother came from families of medical practitioners. Her father, late Dr. Amchi Kunsang,  was a highly educated Tibetan doctor, who had studied at the highest level of medical science in Tibet. He was originally invited to Nepal to serve as physician for late King Tribhuvan, and later established the Kunphen Tibetan Medical Center, which remains one of the best-known Tibetan medical clinic located in Kathmandu, Nepal.  

After completing her basic education in Kathmandu, Dr. Tashi studied Tibetan medicine with her father for six years. She studied the traditional texts, methods of diagnosis and how to compound medicine. During this time, she also received practical training at the Kunphen clinic itself.

In 1996, Dr. Tashi joined the Tibet Institute of Traditional Tibetan medicine in Lhasa Tibet (TAR, China). She completed the three-year course in theory and practice of Tibetan Medicine, and received her diploma in 1999. From 1999 to 2001, she continued her practical education by serving at the Lhasa Mentseekang (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology), while she also returned at times to treat patients at the Kunphen clinic. In Lhasa Mentseekang, , Dr. Tashi Pedon also learned and practiced acupuncture and moxibustion. 

In 1996, Dr. Tashi joined the Tibet Institute of Traditional Tibetan medicine in Lhasa Tibet (TAR, China). She completed the three-year course in theory and practice of Tibetan Medicine, and received her diploma in 1999. From 1999 to 2001, she continued her practical education by serving at the Lhasa Mentseekang (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology), while she also returned at times to treat patients at the Kunphen clinic. In Lhasa Mentseekang, , Dr. Tashi Pedon also learned and practiced acupuncture and moxibustion.  

From 2001, Dr. Tashi has been a full time physician at the Kunphen clinic. Since 2003, she has been the Medical Centre's Deputy Director. In addition to seeing patients, Dr. Tashi is also responsible for overseeing the production of all the Tibetan medicine used at the clinic. Medicine from the Kunphen clinic is not only used in Nepal, but is as well being exported abroad, particularly in Europe and Russia. The clinic serves a wide variety of patients, from high Tibetan Lamas and Rinpoches to the ordinary Nepalis and Tibetans, as well as many foreigners living in Nepal, Between 60 to 100 patients visit the Kunphen clinic, on a daily basis...



Tibetan Medicine Center today...

Today, Kunphen TMC has evolved as a modern online institution for the delivery,  study and promotion of Tibetan Traditional Medicine, delivering daily health/social services in selected strategic sites in Kathmandu Valley, producing Medicinal Herbs, and promoting seminars and conferences in close collaboration with selected Academic Units and NGOs network. It has departments dedicated to Herbal Medicine Product Research, Materia Medica Training, Pharmacology, Clinical Research and Mental Health. 

Kunphen' s fundamental motivation is to produce medicinal preparations based upon Tibetan Dharma and Tibetan Medicine philosophical traditions. 

The income derived from the sales of these products provides funds to assist in various health, social and educational charitable activities, as well as the promotion of quality services and preservation of the ancient system of medicine.

Kunphen was duly established officially in KTM- Nepal to produce and market Tibetan Traditional Health products, based on the Tibetan Science of Healing.  

More on Kunphen...




details in March 2009

you will find here the list of video clips or music MP3 to download very soon !



        To enter please, press here___







" Al Caps Del Set Cent Ans Verdegeo El Laurel ! "

Hommage to the Grail Lore Lineage of Master Kyot and
Templar Troubadour  Wolfram Von Eschenbach (XIIcentury)!


Copyright©  and  Footnote 

This webpage is the new CAIRN Campus Online  (draft- portal) being designed for the academic year 2008-09. It will be continuously upgraded
for improving its ICT-/ Multimedia elements, aiming to attain a fully interactive wireless platform with forum (chat), video-streaming ,
VLE courses online and multimedia database applications, with a personalized login access and configuration. 

If you found any errors or misconceptions in our webpages, or if you  have any problems loading Cairn Homepage with your browser, 
kindly contact us by email at our address : <william_rene@hotmail.com>

CAIRN : " Center for Advanced Integrated Research in Nepal"  is a Non- Profit Org / High Education and Training Provider, affiliated with 
the St- Xavier's Social Services and St- Xavier's Campus in KTM/Nepal,  UWS/CDS (Swansea U. Wales / Center for Development Studies), 
the UCL/POLS/ANSO/LAAP (Anthropologie Prospective Unit at UCL/LLN), the UCL/FOPES (Adult Education / Development Aid Section at UCL/LLN), 
the ISI-CNV Institute (PNL Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy Training Nice/S-of-France), as well as with selected INGOs, Education NGOs, 
Tibetan and Himalayan Traditional Social/Health Care Units or  CHOWs Training Centers in Nepal, India, Canada, USA and the EU-

All documents, courses layouts and seminars archives are copyright at UCL/ANSO/LAAP under reference :  CAIRN PGR 2001!

Copyright © 1997-2008 by William R. LEON c/o Keltic Trilogy / CAIRN Consortium
- All rights reserved - Advanced Integrated Field-studies cum Training -